It's taken me longer than a couple weeks to properly assign the board.
Edit: Sorry to go psychodelic, but I wanted this to noticed. I think I am not safe to post again, and so would prefer to just edit this as necessary. This way I can finalize some discrepancies in the wording of my original message. This game is giving first priority to players that posted here. Those that posted here can RTJ first. I already have other RTJs that are friends of those that posted here. WE have about eight total candidates, not counting those here, that haven't RTJ yet.
As GrizzlyBear91 mentioned, it's good to have a back up, or more than one back up. Whether my game works out or not, it's good to have options. :)
Here is my game:
link to another game
Please RTJ and let me know if you posted here, or not. Just be honest about what you can be. My timeline
was to expect RTJs by the 3rd. Since it appeared as if I was not accepting players
at all, which was
not the case, but was poor choice of words; I am going to reset my timeline. I really would like to see RTJ by the 3rd. I really need them by the 9th, in the format asked. I can start when everyone has their sheet made. I really want Valentine's Day to be the final day of prep. Be it shared character backgrounds, rules questions, or debates. I want the opening scene to start before then.
Visit the game board for all further communication. I feel I am forbidden to continue correspondance on
my game. If another GM comes along, I may be permitted to ask "Hey, can I play?" but that will be if and when another GM does present themself.
Thank you for rereading this.
I apologize for any misunderstandings! from preedit
This message was last edited by the user at 17:49, Fri 31 Jan.