Whimsical D&D (3.5) ideas

You know what, I'm willing to throw down the hat, that names now HAVE a hat to be thrown in.
I have two caveats. This is silly fun, but serious work. Please respect my time, even in character, don't use your character to insult me as a GM. I don't think anyone will! If you, or your character does, you're out. That 4th wall will break for those that break it, and it will leave them outside...the game.
Second caveat is that you not nitpick rules. This is silly fun. If I say "Mmmm. no" let's duke it out in no more than six posts. If you're late to the "fight" I'm gonna have to just say, you didn't beat us to the punch.
That's it.
I'll set up the game ASAP. Just not today. I could really use a "straight from the MM" book, and even...heheh...this is great! I will DEFINITELY run this. I don't know who will stay, but I like this. I REALLY like this. I hope Grizzly will have fun. I'd like to try. It's okay if not. I have a really stone brained "never break" rule, that would be perfect to break for this campaign..
So I will link to a game ASAP. I have no board...assigned. I will assign one ASAP. Just...probably not for another week or two. Oh! I'm a slow poster. If that matters. I probably can't run most combats in a RL week. If that's a dealbreaker for Grizzly....I'll just go rogue on this idea. I hope it isn't though. I think this'll be fun. For someone. Besides me.