Being able to customize font type or colour for threads which are notices. Being able to change the background colour for notices.
So...it was mentioned before, changing colors for something like Notice, and that was suggested as being the straw that broke the camel's back with regards to having /too many/ customizations. But, if for some reason it became NOT too many, I would add a +1 to being able to customize the color of the '
Notice:' text. =)
Thread details - being able to change the colour for certain elements (last posted by character name, date)
This I feel like might be too much, because there's a LOT of specific details that are covered in that small text, and currently they're all one color setting block. Being able to change the colors for them would require them all being different blocks. That's a lot.
As a compromise, perhaps:
Currently, when you post in a thread, your name is highlighted (for me it's red, not sure if it's ALWAYS red) whereas everyone else's name is whatever color you have your text set to. It would be nice if /any/ instance of YOUR character(s) posting could be highlighted the same way. That way, you would know from a glance at the dashboard if you had the last reply in a thread. (That seems to be the most useful application of being able to color Last Reply by names, knowing if you potentially have a post to make or not.)
An ease of use feature request - Currently there are buttons for quick formatting options for bold, italic, underline etc. However, one of the more challenging formatting problems is using colour. Can we implement a game preference option where you can define colours for: Speech, OOC, Thought.
While this would be great, if you happen to be in a game where you're playing just one character and have defined font and/or color options for those things, not every game utilizes that same method and not every player controls just one character/needs just one set of colors. I'm not against it, per se, but I'm not sure there'd be much bang for jase's buck in putting in quick-reference settings for formatting options that wouldn't be useful/potentially useful in every game.
If you have more than one character, or god forbid are a GM that writes for a dozen or more NPCs, that could either get really messy really quickly (if you had multiple formatting options to save) or be completely useless (if you could do only one), so it's really probably best to Keep It Simple Stupid with regards to colors and formatting. It ain't broke, so it doesn't really need fixing.
This message was last edited by the user at 00:32, Fri 12 Jan.