Apologies if this has been listed / mentioned elsewhere.
I have a ton of threads to catch up on after the responsive version of the site became the default version that we all use (and it's possible that what I'm about to mention has already been discussed).
A random bit of weirdness. The page count section of multiple posts within a thread, and the page count of multiple pages of threads appear differently.
If you are on a page with multiple threads, and it reaches into multiple pages of threads, it looks like so:
But then, once you are in a thread, and it has multiple pages of posts, it looks like so:
In and of itself, I guess those differences are harmless. They both pretty much do what's being asked of them. I do find the second one a bit jarring (I guess it's weird for me to read from left-to-right in a descending order.
For some reason "Page 1 of 23 <<1,2,3 ... 23>>" makes more sense to my eye than does "Page 1 of 23 <<23 ... 3,2,1>>"
Specifically, though, my observation/gripe would be that when clicking onto the next page of a thread that I'm reading (either by clicking on the 'Newer' button or on the hyperlinked # of the succeeding page ... when the next page of responses loads, it does so by displaying the very bottom of the next page and then I have to scroll up to begin reading that-which-has-gone-before.
So as a dumb example, let's say I am on a thread that has spanned 32 posts over two pages. I start on page one and I get to read the posts #1 thru #16, in order, on that page. But then when I click through to page two, the page will load with the page scrolled all the way down showing the last post on that page (#32) and I would have to scroll back up through all sorts of quite-potentially-spoilery-goodness to get to the next post (#17) that I would like to read.