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07:15, 11th September 2024 (GMT+0)

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller.

Posted by Chernobyl
supporter, 138 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Sat 2 Jan 2021
at 01:13
  • msg #1

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Hey there,

The second edition of SLA Industries has a new dice rolling mechanism. Not sure if its something common elsewhere. It's quite complex, not sure if it can be implemented somehow. All dice are d10.

There is a single success dice and a number of skill dice (max 5) based on a players skill and stat combined.

There are several target numbers to aim for based on the difficulty of the task
Simple: 4
Challenging: 7
Complex: 10
Strenuous: 13
Insane: 16

In this small example, the operative has a Complex task to perform. He/she has a combined skill/stat rating of 5.

He/she rolls the success dice and scores a 6, adds the combined skill/stat rating of 5 to achieve a total result of 11. This means the test is a success. If it had been less than 10, the test would be a fail.
He/she also rolls one skill dice for each point in the skill she he/she has plus an additional 1. In this example, the character has a skill of 2, so an additional 3 skill dice are rolled.

They come up as:
4+5 (fail)
6+5 (pass)
7+5 (pass)

Number of Dice Equal/Exceed Target Number
Success DieSuccess
+1 Skill DieExcellent Success
+2 Skill DiceExceptional Success
+3 Skill DiceIncredible Success
+4 or more SkillDice Unbelievable Success

This means that the character has had an exceptional success.

There are additional modifiers which may be placed upon each dice (negative or positive).

It's a complex beast, and no games are currently on rpol that utilise it currently.
supporter, 144 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Fri 22 Jan 2021
at 09:27
  • msg #2

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

This is an implementation of the request,  it obviously no way for me to track success or failure
admin, 3809 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 00:46
  • msg #3

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

I've actually been quietly testing this (it's on the beta site) but one thing the linked roller does that hasn't been outlined is the "success through experience" option.  There seems to be some unique outcomes with:

Success die failing but 4+ skill rolls succeeding.  This the mentioned "success through experience".
Success die failing and all skill rolls failing.  "Serious failure"
Success die failing but 1-3 skill rolls succeeding.  Just "failure".

There also seem to be a bunch of different phrases it uses, are these correct?  "Simple success" was one that popped up.

Happy to clone what it's outputting but I don't want to copy something if it's a phrase/mechanic the system doesn't actually use.
supporter, 145 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 05:23
  • msg #4

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Four skill rolls gives success through experience if all are equal to or higher than the target number.
Correct on the serious failure
Correct on the "failure"

Simple success is when the success die passes, but all skill rolls fail.
admin, 3810 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 12:40
  • msg #5

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Thanks, think I got it.  It's now available on the beta as well as the responsive site (I can't make the changes required to the traditional site as all code changes are now for the responsive site).
supporter, 146 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 14:27
  • msg #6

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Awesome, much appreciated
supporter, 147 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 07:28
  • msg #7

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Would it be possible to have a target number instead of descriptive for the complex/simple etc?
admin, 3814 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 12:03
  • msg #8

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

How about both being accepted?  Which I've done.  (c;
supporter, 148 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 00:39
  • msg #9

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

Awesome, thanks
supporter, 159 posts
Area of desolate waste,
Mutation Central.
Mon 10 May 2021
at 19:19
  • msg #10

SLA Industries 2nd edition - Dice Roller

I’ve just come up against the first issue. It’s actually possible to have 0 rating in a skill. However, rolling using the input of 10 0s+1 throws up an error code.
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