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A Couple of Ideas.

Posted by Larson Gates
Larson Gates
member, 13 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #1

A Couple of Ideas

1) One of the features of Amber is the ability for "in-character" diaries.

   The current Access levels and Groups don't support this feature
   To support it a "character" needs to be able to create a diary thread..
   This thread can be posted to by the character and the GM but is publicly readable

2) One of you rival sites has a [FieldSet="<entity>"] some text [/fieldset] capability

   This creates a framed textbox with a "title" of what ever was placed in the entity field, indicating that everything in that text box relates to that entity. Sort of like "quote" but without displaying the start and end "quote" markers.

   This can be used in a number of ways.. to allow an NPC, either as a named person or generic "Night Watchman" to respond a character Action.
   It can also be used to allow "GM Notes" to be embedded in a post to indicate a player may want to change what they posted because the character knows things that the player doesn't, or to comment on mechanics, or anything that the GM may feel appropriate to flag.
member, 680 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #2

A Couple of Ideas

There are two ways to do it here:
1 - Use a Private Message Thread.  Both GM and PC can post to it, totes private.
2 - Go to the GM Menu, open up Edit Groups.  Now if you put a Character into a Group, say Group K, then create a Thread only accessible by Group K, title it their journal/diary thread, then they are the only one who can post to it and read it (GM as well of course).

This allows you to have shared journals, side private missions/adventures, etc.

While you're in the GM Menu, take a look at the Private Groups and also hit up the FAQ on Private Groups, there's a couple of "bugs" "features" you'll want to be aware of, namely the way "Known Words" work and that if a Character is assigned to a Language Group and a Private Group Thread (not a Private Message Thread) posts with that language group in a post, they will be alerted that there is a new post to read, but they won't have access to it.  It's a bit of a bug right now.  And for Known Words, any Name used as a Character Name in the Character List is a known word, so if it matters try to avoid NPC names like "guard", "captain", "town crier", race car" or other words that might end being used in a Language Group, they will always be translated into English.  Works in a Language line can be kept from scrambling by putting curly braces around them like so:

<Silvan>"Foresooth, and ye verily my amore {Josephiusina}, I cannot lie for thoust..."</Silvan>

Would appear as:

<Silvan>"Jaksuwjosu, wlk iw elaisk os omsui Josephiusina, K eilslw isu nwv dqtsow..."</Silvan>

And the "<Silvan>" would be in Orange if I'm remembering correctly.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:25, Thu 21 Apr 2022.
member, 681 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 23:36
  • msg #3

A Couple of Ideas

Sorry, I only responded to one of your two queries...

2) One of you rival sites has a [FieldSet="<entity>"] some text [/fieldset] capability

   This creates a framed textbox with a "title" of what ever was placed in the entity field, indicating that everything in that text box relates to that entity. Sort of like "quote" but without displaying the start and end "quote" markers.

   This can be used in a number of ways.. to allow an NPC, either as a named person or generic "Night Watchman" to respond a character Action.
   It can also be used to allow "GM Notes" to be embedded in a post to indicate a player may want to change what they posted because the character knows things that the player doesn't, or to comment on mechanics, or anything that the GM may feel appropriate to flag.

I'm not sure what you're referring to here.  This sounds like a Private Line... and I'm betting that's exactly what your asking for and it does exist here in two forms:  both as Private Lines and as Private Language Groups.  They do slightly the same, slightly different things.

They are found below the post box labeled as "Insert a Private Line".

They are however Private and are only visible to the Character(s) they are addressed.

Private Language Groups can be either done as "exclusionary" so anyone not in the group won't see it, or the opposite (whatever we'll call that) where everyone not in the group can read it.  (I think?  Sorry, i never use these so I'm very unfamiliar with exactly how they work.)
Larson Gates
member, 14 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 00:09
  • msg #4

A Couple of Ideas

no not a private line as it's completely publicly visible..
As I said it's like a quote box but without the quote..
An image would help but I don't think I can upload one here so you'll just have to put the url directly into your browser
member, 1727 posts
Ocoee FL
45 yrs of RPGs
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 03:13
  • msg #5

A Couple of Ideas

If a GM thinks it worthwhile, they can create a Group 1 thread titled "Adam's Journal" with the understanding that only Adam can post to it. If anyone else posts in it, their post can be deleted.
member, 213 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 03:15
  • msg #6

A Couple of Ideas

Like this?

Akio loren upset blah de bloo

member, 336 posts
Reality is 10% perception
and 90% interpretation.
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 04:12
  • msg #7

A Couple of Ideas

You could create an article for each character in the game wiki, marked so that the GM and the character can edit it. That might assuage the need for a 'diary'.
about quote tags:
The quote tags can be used to create titled text boxes as what you place in the quote tag shows up as a sort of header to the box. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I think it's close.

<quote about quote tags>The quote tags can be used to create titled text boxes as what you place in the quote tag shows up as a sort of header to the box. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I think it's close.</quote>
member, 682 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 06:04
  • msg #8

A Couple of Ideas

Larson Gates:
no not a private line as it's completely publicly visible..
As I said it's like a quote box but without the quote..
An image would help but I don't think I can upload one here so you'll just have to put the url directly into your browser

Okay so you're referring to the "Akio" and "servant" lines I suspect?

Why can't it just be a response?

However you're right, it can't be a quote, at least not in the image you linked as you must have a minimum of non-quote text to quote text or the post will be rejected.

Easy table might work, and they're about as simple as quote tags or your "FieldSet" tags... (but you do have to manually type the bars and spaces in).  I could even play around with figuring out how to make the top box lines invisible, though that's quite a bit less simple, but once figured out it's easily copyable.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, "Sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat."

"Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam."

But I'ma be honest with you, I'm not seeing the point of even the "FieldSet" tags.  If it's to break up a post between different groupings, you can do that with the hr tag, as I did in this post (though it's not very visible to me, but that's what I get for making a "silver and gold on black" theme, the very thin hr "break" lines are super thin and nigh invisible to me - which is why I like using double "hr" line breaks, they stand out better to me).
member, 683 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 06:14
  • msg #9

A Couple of Ideas

I could even play around with figuring out how to make the top box lines invisible, though that's quite a bit less simple, but once figured out it's easily copyable.

Yeah... it's a bit less simple, but it could make for interesting effects...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, "Sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat!"

This message was last edited by the user at 06:15, Fri 22 Apr 2022.
Larson Gates
member, 15 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #10

A Couple of Ideas

Like this?

Akio loren upset blah de bloo

That would work.. as would the borderless tables..but neither have quite the same flair as a titled text field (if you were programming in windows it's a frame with a title)
Larson Gates
member, 16 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 08:37
  • msg #11

A Couple of Ideas

In reply to soulsight (msg # 7):

You could create an article for each character in the game wiki, marked so that the GM and the character can edit it. That might assuage the need for a 'diary'.

Chharacter diaries are one of the standard Amber mechanisms by which characters can earn CP (experience equivalent). In a FtF or Online game you can also have a "Session Log" written either by 1 character or several or by rota which is a similar mechanism.
If an Article would do the job, and I haven't looked then I may go that route. Having specific character threads that were publicly visible is just a much better mechanism.
Larson Gates
member, 17 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 10:06
  • msg #12

A Couple of Ideas

Having now looked at the "Game Wiki", and its current state of development even calling it that doesn't hold water, that's not going to fly.
Even the basics of a wiki, which are a "contents page" and "Add Page/Edit Page" aren't even there.
member, 684 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #13

A Couple of Ideas

Larson Gates:
Even the basics of a wiki, which are a "contents page" and "Add Page/Edit Page" aren't even there.

The RPoL wiki, like so many other wikis before it, uses wikitext editing.  If you want a page, you create a link on the home page (which most people make their index by default, though you can create a separate index page) and then wikitext creates a link to that page.

If you don't want the page link usable before you've built the page... just preview the page with the link but don't post the page that created the link until you're done with the second page.

Since not every game will even use the wiki, there really isn't any reason to have it automatically build a home page and an index page for every single game on RPoL.  Especially since I'm not sure the wikis autodelete with the games when they are set for deletion (they might though, it would make sense from one perspective and be unwanted from another).
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