The First Aeon
When young Savios reappeared within the Void, he was no longer the child that had emerged from it. A teenager emerged instead, engulfed in a bright emerald cloak with a hood. His dazzling eyes inspected the Yandee and the Enlightened and he frowned at the division that the Enlightened threatened to spread. Some of their actions he approved of and were good, such as schooling and trade, but they seemed to harbor resentment towards the Gods that had created them. Thus, Savios felt like it was his responsibility to restore some order to the Enlightened and chose to do so on their own terms. He manifested himself in the Yondi forest again, a teenage Yandee with a divine aura and cosmic splendor at the feet of the Yoneden, the Tree of Knowledge. Barefoot he walked to the nearest school that had emerged within the Forest and consulted with its teachers, making small talk yet possessing infinite wisdom and more importantly, a passion not just for understanding, but for acknowledging the differences in others and working with them, the way they had already begun to do. He instructed the teachers to seek out their most renowned leaders, both within the Enlightened community and the Yandee. He sat within the school and waited for as long as he had to for the leaders to gather, as the time of the Gods was different than their own, as many of them would already know. The leaders who refused to meet with him would be unable to ignore his message, for its intentions were for them primarily.
“Children,” Savios said, a young adult talking with impending authority, rattling the foundations of the Forest while also appearing as a harmless whisper, “It is true that us Gods are fickle and do as we please. But look around you: there is bounty and beauty in all these creations, a union that has yet to see true horror and malice. Entire worlds rich with knowledge, life, and resources, not to squabble and bicker over, but to cooperate and share! I respect your position as Enlightened, if this is the path that you so choose. But understand that I will still continue to bless and assist you, even if you scorn me and my name. Caring is one of the virtues that I created you with, is that not why you do what you do? You care enough about intelligent life that you wish to teach them the truths of the cosmos? I will spare you the effort. Not all will turn to your ways, for even now, more religions and traditions are emerging than you will be able to keep up with. Let us not waste our efforts trying to put down others but focus on making life better! Teach your wisdoms and speak your truths! But do not harm or wish ill on others for who have wisdoms and truths of their own. Learn from them! Continue to explore, barter, and negotiate! Study with awe the wonders of the cosmos!”
ACT 3: Savios descends upon Oceaus and delivers the Sermon of Compassion and Understanding
“I will be sleeping soon, for a time, all gods eventually must. You each have questions, but I trust you to find the answers. Here, let me help you, if you want…”
Those that were willing to be the first to learn from the God’s knowledge would feel like they entered a dream-state, as he taught what may have been the first course on Oceaus, a professor and student session where he spoke of stories about oceans and stars, of passages through places unknown. He mourned the missionaries who had traveled the world only to meet an unsuitable end. He acknowledged that while their intentions were misguided, he respected the exploration, and the courage that it took to go to unknown corners of the world for a goal. Savios spends his time guiding those that wanted to learn on the wonders of Navigation so that they could prevent future loss of life for the sake of these good and noble causes.
ACT 4: Savios instructs those that are willing to learn on Navigation.
Savios was unsure how much more he wanted to do before the end of the Aeon. He felt like he had stored up enough power for what he had done so far, but did want to keep going further right now? He stood up from his lecturing spot and shook the hands of any of those who remained, smiling warmly, imparting little words of kindness and prosperity to them even if they continued to disagree with his presence, with the gods, and his mission for this world and for their kind. But then, he remembered that he didn’t give his children any way of remembering beyond word of mouth, so he walked over to a tree and plucked a giant leaf from a nearby tree. He crushed up some colored rock and stirred it with some dew, before creating a series of symbols that each represented a syllable. Together the symbols formed the first example of a language, although he knew it wouldn’t be the last to be spoken throughout the Void. “The first letter is Ao…” he murmured in appreciation, and also hoping the All-Seer would not think of his Acts as stretching his limits. He continued on until he left the leaf in the hands of a capable and curious Yandee who had listened to his message and been by his side since his emergence on the mortal plane. He smiled again and nodded before he disappeared through a thicket of trees and into the Void, once again seeking a long but satisfying rest and in the hopes for better dreams and ambitions for his creations and those of all the Gods.
ACT 5: Savios gifts the knowledge of a written language to his children.
Savios grants a message across Oceaus. Speaking to the Yandee he encouraged their path of learning and study, his main message was intended to drawn the Enlightened back to the fold, but their eyes and ears had been blinded by the Wrath infected Yonenden and they would hear none of it. But not all Yandee were Enlightened and this message found fertile ground amongst those who had not embraced the ways of the Enlightened. When the speech ended the Enlightened gave a great collective shrug and wrote off the speech as self-serving prattle by a god covetous of his toys for no longer doing as they were told, but the other Yandee had embraced the message, they started to follow a path of study and examination themselves, but their road was far harder since they did not have the Tree of Knowledge to impart upon them its immediate learning.
Secondly, the Yandee are imparted with wisdom of navigation and writing. Suddenly the night sky and its multitude of stars are a map, those Yandee that study them can decipher north from south as readily as down from up. This comes hand in hand with the teachings of writing, turning random scribbles into sensible and meaningful knowledge. Neither are inherent abilities, both are able to be learned and shared. For the Enlightened they accept both boons and have little regard to the one dispensing them. For the other Yandee, they start the foundation of their own school of thought and education, they come to be known as the Aspiring Yandee, a rather derogatory term initially coined by the Enlightened who look down the fumbling attempts of the other Yandee to glean things they can easily pluck from the Tree of Knowledge, but a title which the Aspiring come to embrace as it captures their goals succinctly.
The Aspiring, embracing their new skills at navigation, disperse to explore the world. In this way their culture becomes a restless one, not truly nomadic like the Amaroks but rather based on exploration. When two groups of Aspiring come together they stop for a few days to share their knowledge and writings before separating again to continue their journeys.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:28, Thu 14 May 2020.