The Third Aeon: The Age of Unification
So the gods drift off into slumber, they can still perceive the movements of the cosmos, but they become distant, mere observers to the many things they've set into motion.
An Age of Conflict
It is only two short generations before the brewing conflicts fully explode. The final spark to ignite the tinder was a magical prank conducted by a child in one of the City States. He thought it would be funny to turn a little old lady blue. Only he did not realize the mana he bought was tainted, it was now pure celestia mana, but had traces of Gael power. When he turned her blue he inadvertently gave her sharp teeth and a hunger for flesh. She killed three people on her street before she was killed. The blubbering child confessed his crimes, in response the Purists had him lynched. That ignited outrage among the magical practitioners for such a harsh punishment against a child. Thus began the Great Purge.
This conflict had been building for years and as such, both sides were well armed. The Purists had a great many purifying wands cut from the branches of the trees at the poles, the arcane supports had magic. What came next was bloody and brutal and quick.
With no true armies to fight their causes the battles were fought in skirmishes and brawls, it was largely an urban conflict with many streets being soaked in blood or warped by unleashed magic. A simple night of drinking at the bar could turn into a battleground if the wrong person happened inside. Some City States who had supported the Purists before the Great Purge marshaled militias who started to go door to door and hunt out these arcane. The magic users fought back, but the purifying wands were designed by divine hands for the very purpose of purifying, wherever the two met, magic lost. So magicians were forced to fight indirectly, to strike unseen, or to retreat.
With a war that does not have clear sides or terms for engagement, it was inevitable it would spill out beyond the City States. News of the clash spread like wildfire and no one was truly beyond it, you either supported magic or you opposed it. None were allowed to stand by idly. In rural communities magic was actually proving more popular, this sentiment fostered by the use of managriculture to nourish their crops. Then there were the Enlightened who were strong proponents of magic and its ability to empower mortals. When they chose to support magical practitioners the stakes of the conflict were significantly raised. Suddenly the magicians had an army fighting for them.
But these were untrained armies. This was the first real conflict the void had seen, there were no hardened soldiers to be found, only men and women fighting for their ideals. Many of them reacted poorly when faced with violence or aggression, war crimes abounded on all sides.
Even Celestia, so far away, was not entirely safe. Several leylines were severed by enough purifying wands being gathered in a single place. Some of the most extreme Purists even steeled themselves to ride the leylines to travel to Celestia, there they tried to bring the war directly to the most obviously magical people of all. While some murders occurred, there was no widespread violence as the Purists obviously couldn't send their most potent weapons to Celestia, without the purifying wands these attempts at violence were short lived. (Though a number of Krys lost their magic permanently when The Darkest Cures were invoked by these dying Purists. It was quite traumatic for these individuals.)
Zantel the Smith came to be known for the armors he forged for the Holy Nation which were without peer. Ethaestra flourished fed by blood money, everyone was eager to buy their cutting edge weapons and finely crafted bows and spears. There was a new surge of Agraciada communities who tethered themselves to these sea leviathans, as the war was not so prevalent beneath the seas. The Aspiring were a quiet, but stable force, their long trained warriors finally being called to duty. Many refugees were protected, though few of them were faithful enough to find true protection at the Falls of Aspiration. One shaman became famed for holding back a force of Purists for three days single handed which bought enough time for refugees to flee before he turned into an elemental.
There were no glorious battles in this war, no true heroes or generals emerged. It was a prolonged, bloody affair which ravaged cities and villages alike.
And the Spectral Plane was filled with a great many souls.
And Collapse
Finally after nearly a decade, civilization couldn't withstand the pressures of constant battle. Supply lines failed, crops lay untended and famine spread, disease ran rampant from the unburied dead. In these dark few years, several changes unfolded.
Most surprisingly, the Enlightened Empire collapsed. One of the most powerful factions for most of the time mortals had existed, it was not immune to unrest. When hunger and discord spread ambitious factions within sought to obtain power. In the end there were a few short years of infighting and the Enlightened territory was divvied up by the victors, but these lasted only a few short years. Then the Enlightened became a memory, their schools lay abandoned and their libraries were now treasure troves waiting to be pillaged.
The City States, hit hardest by the conflict, also fell into ruin. Many residents fled these urban centers to get away from the greatest of the violence. Without citizens to feed their economies and provide services these centers of civilizations fell into disrepair and prompted more to leave. Villages sprang up all across Uguay, though these were fearful insular towns, wary that any new traveler might bring conflict to their new homes.
The Holy Nation also fell during these years. Without a divine hand to guide it and with rumors fed by the Tree of Knowledge itself that their gods were dead, cynicism had eaten away at the once pious cloth of this nation. The religious heads had become increasingly disaffected by their own faiths and this was felt by their flock. There was no grand war that marked this dissolution of this old empire. It quietly faded. The many holy symbols still adorning its cities lost their meaning and became relics of the past.
And Still Time Passes
And so the long festering war comes and goes. In its wake it leaves shell shocked societies who have seen widespread violence and atrocities. The structure of civilized powers had been reformed as some of them most powerful groups had fallen. This power vacuum leaves space for new powers to grow. And there are certainly new groups waiting.
The City of the Fall, quiet through all of this conflict, is unscathed due to the protections placed on it by Vor. The dueling nature religions of the Green Speakers and the Aspiring are arguably stronger than ever. The seeds sown by the Pantheon of Unity could not stop the coming war, but they start to help the world heal now that the greatest conflict has passed. The Rokuto Seed lives and still grows and the Makers still build.
So the gods still slumber, while the world rebuilds itself. More is yet to come.