P-1 Market Administration Building Many small shops; administrative offices in rear
P-2 Honest Kolli's Honest Kolli's Artifacts and Appraisals
P-3 Various Shops
P-4 Lokarnos Temple
P-5 Various Shops
P-6 Various Shops
P-7 Various Shops
P-8 Various Shops
P-9 Guild Hall Meeting Place for all the Guilds of the town
P-10 Various Shops, incl Derek's Polearms, Honest Hermosius' Used Weapons
P-11 The Bristle Inn Largest inn in Pavis
P-12 The Dorasar Building Various Shops, incl Outrageous Fortune Bowyers
P-13 Various Shops, incl Goram's Sturdy Weapons, Bison-Hide Leathers
P-14 Seven Mothers Temple Has shrines to each of the Seven Mothers
P-15 Trade Temple Issaries and Etyries, statue of Etyries out front
P-16 Argan Argar Temple Includes shrines to Kyger Litor, Zorak Zoran and Xiola Umbar
P-17 Rent-A-Shrine Open for all to worship
P-18 Rent-A-Shrine Open for all to worship
P-19 Chalana Arroy Temple
P-20 Ernalda Temple A perfect cube in shape, including the basements
P-21 Air Temple Includes a shrine to Orlanth, but the priest is thought to be Illuminated
P-22 Knowledge Temple Includes both Lhankor Mhy and Irrippi Ontor
P-23 Irrippi Ontor Annex
P-24 Storehouse Knowledge is stored here, but the building must be entered from one of the Knowledge Temples
P-25 Public Food Office These administer distribution of the city's supply of food to the citizenry
P-26 Granaries Storage for the public grain and mills for it
P-27 Granaries Storage for the public grain and mills for it
P-28 Public Mean Warehouse Only preserved grain is kept on hand
P-29 Mayor's House
P-30 City Administration Building Includes courts, jail, mayor's offices, city council room and central watch station
P-31 Pavis Temple Includes Flintnail shrine, Recruiters for Rubble Runner s and Pavis Royal Guard
P-32 Vinga Temple In between Air and Ernalda Temples (P20 and P21)
P-1 Market Administration Building. Many
small shops; administrative offices in the rear.
P-2 Store. Honest Kolli’s Artifacts and
Appraisals. Honest Kolli, a member of the
City Council of New Pavis, maintains a large
establishment specializing in buying jewelry
and magical artifacts from adventurers
and converting coins they may have found
into jewelry and other ornaments for easy
portability. Honest Kolli actually lives up to
his name, and takes only a small commission
for trading in coins for jewelry. He guarantees
to buy the items back at the worth given
for them, should the buyer need cash. This
guarantee only holds for one full season.
P-3 Shops. Various types.
P-4 Temple, Lokarnos (.s) Solar wagon god.
Shrines to Lokarnos and other celestial gods
(including Polaris, Shargash, and other stellar
deities) are located at this temple which is
maintained by the Yelmalio cult. Temple
priest is Thrandren Clubfoot.
P-5 Shops. Various types.
P-6 Shops. Various; includes Godja Missile
Weapons. Makers of slingshots, slings,
arrows, and darts. Re-sellers of hand weapons.
P-7 Shops. Various types.
P-8 Shops; includes Hold, Carry, and Sell.
General outfitters with good imported
equipment. Sells all types of goods. Owned
by the Rugbagian family.
P-9 Guild Hall. Meeting place for all guilds of
the town. This two-story stone building is
the assembly hall for the city’s guildmembers.
Disputes between the guilds are resolved
within, without recourse to Lunar or City
justice. The upper floor is often using as a
drinking club by senior guild members.
P-10 Shops; includes Derek’s Polearms,
Honest Hermosius’ Used Weapons.
Derek’s Polearms. Derek Dwarfriend is
a master armorer of the Flintnail cult and
specializes in making and wielding such hafted
weapons as axes, halberds, spears, etc. Honest
Hermosius’s Used Weapons. Hermosius,
an ex-sergeant of the Lunar army, sells used
Lunar equipment. He is no armorer, and is
no judge of the fitness of a weapon or piece
of armor, though he prides himself justly on
never selling an ill-fitting piece of armor--a
benefit of his long experience.
P-11 The Bristle Inn ★★ The single largest
inn in the city is frequented by merchants
and moderately wealthy visitors. Food is of
fair quality and of great quantity; the drink
is good; and the accommodations fair but
clean. The innkeeper, Orkan the Black, is a
prominent member of the Issaries cult.
P-12 Shops; the Dorasar Building includes
Outrageous Fortune Bowyers. Makers of
excellent bows, arrows, spears, javelins, etc.
P-13 Shops; includes Goram’s Sturdy Weapons
and Bison Hide Leathers. Goram’s
Sturdy Weapons (shop only; the smithy
is in Dwarfside) Goram is an Iron Dwarf
whose major skills are in his crafts. On a
cult mission to the Rubble, he rescued the
iron armor and weapons of another dwarf
who had died fighting chaos monsters. Since
then Goram has maintained his smithy in
the dwarf holes and shop outside where
he sells excellent weapons and armor. They
say that his eyes light up still when he hears
spectacular stories of derring-do and treasure
in the Rubble, and he may yet don his iron
armor and venture forth again. He gets along
very well with most humans, and counts as
a particular friend Bendrath, the young new
priest of Pavis. Bison Hide Leathers. This
leather worker is a Bison tribesman named
Tokel who followed the way of Issaries after
associating with Kost the merchant ten years
ago. He settled into New Pavis and provides
leather clothing and armor. Tokel’s work is
known for serviceability. He makes; he does
not embellish. His prices are standard. He has
a couple of Pavis born lads as apprentices, he
can finish a suit of leather armor in a week, or
boiled leather armor in two weeks.
P-14 Temple. Seven Mothers (/xt) The center
of the Lunar religion in Prax, this two-story
colonnaded stone building was built after the
Lunar Conquest of Prax. Within are shrines to
the Seven Mothers, the Red Goddess, the Red
Emperor, and various other Lunar goddesses
including Jar-Eel the Razoress. A gilded statue
of the Red Emperor atop a 30 feet tall column
is in front. The temple is guarded 24 hours a
day by a small detachment of Lunar soldiers.
The High Priestess is Porusa the Patient.
P-15 Trade Temples. Shrines both to Issaries
(hs) and to Etyries (/h). A statue of
Etyries is in front. This two-story
colonnaded stone building faces
the market and within are statues
of Goldentongue, Harst, Garzeen,
and Etyries. The altars before
the statues are busy whenever
merchants seek good bargains.
Business is discussed and transacted
within the temple; bargains struck
within sight of the trade gods are
considered particularly lucky.
P-16 Argan Argar temple (oh);
includes shrines to Kyger Litor,
Zorak Zoran, and Xiola Umbar.
This black stone temple is
frequented by Darkness cultists and
visiting trolls from the Rubble. Its
security was guaranteed by Dorasar
and his Orlanth priests; hence its
proximity to the Air Temple. The
temple is avoided by dwarfs, Sun
Domers, and Lunars.
P-17/18 Temple. The Shrine to the
Unknown Gods is open for all
worship. Altars to “whether to a
god or goddess” are located in
this temple; worshipers of gods
or goddesses otherwise unknown
to Pavis may worship within. This
temple also serves as a placeholder
for whatever gods and goddesses
exist but whose name and nature
has not been revealed to the people
of Pavis.
P-19 Chalana Arroy Temple (lx). All
are welcome in the Healing Hall,
Sartarite, Lunar or Praxian, rich or
poor; the White Ladies heal all who
come. The temple has beds where
the ill or wounded may recover.
The Healing Hall is well supported
by the grateful adventurers who
benefit from its services.
P-20 Earth Temple (dxl) This temple
is a perfect cube in shape, counting
the basements. The earth temple is
home to the most important cult
in New Pavis, Ernalda the Earth
Mother. Built of stone blocks,
statues of the goddess and her
many daughters are carved into the walls. The
temple descends into the earth, where the
most important ceremonies and rituals are
performed. Men are not permitted into the
underground chamber, the “womb” of the
goddess. The High Priestess is Daralanda.
P-21 Air Temple (gsW) This temple includes
shrines to Orlanth and other storm gods but
High Priest Faltikus is widely rumored to be
Illuminated. See Page 179.
P-22 Knowledge Temple (ya) This temple
includes a shrine to Lhankor Mhy and the
New Pavis Library. The High Priest is Gavial
Latish. See Page 182.
P-23 Irrippi Ontor temple annex (/y). Under
the terms of the Lunar Armistice, the Irrippi
Ontor cult is permitted to copy scrolls from
the Knowledge Temple. Teams of Lunar
scribes work transcribing key documents
borrowed from the Pavis Knowledge Temple.
The Irrippi Ontor cultists teach the New
Pelorian script and may serve the Military and
Civil Administration as scribes.
P-24 Storehouse. Knowledge is stored here, but
the building must be entered from one of the
Knowledge temples.
P-25 Public Food Offices. These administer
distribution of the city’s supply of food to the
P-26/27 Granaries. Storage for the public grain and
the mills for it.
P-28 Public Meat Warehouse. This warehouse
keeps only preserved stock.
P-29 Residence. Mayor’s house, currently
occupied by Brygga Scissortongue. The
residence of the Mayor is a stone building
that once housed Dorasar the Founder
himself. Inside are remarkable dwarf-made
mosaics depicting the deeds of Dorasar and
his ancestors.
P-30 Offices. City Administration Building,
A two-story stone building connected to
the Mayor’s House, the City Administration
Building houses most of the activities of the
city council, the courts, a jail, mayor’s offices,
city council room, and central watch station.
P-31 Pavis Temple (,). Includes Flintnail shrine.
Recruiters. Rubble Trackers and Pavis Royal
Guard. Residence. Benderri, high priest of
Pavis, and other priests live here.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:50, Sat 31 May 2014.