Casting Call!!!!!
While anyone considering applying is more than welcome to come up with their own concept, here are a few roles I would like filled if anyone is interested. If you wish to fill any of these roles, shoot me a message so I can let you know if they have already been or are in the process of being filled. I will update this thread when necessary to remove claimed roles, or add new ones.
Normal humans
Never hurts to have some mundane humans, to contrast the mythical types!
Law enforcement/rift control
Active or ex-members of the New Genesis Police Department (NGPD) and the Rift Containment Unit (RCU). Both organizations have NPC profiles in the cast list, where their structure is described.
Criminal Types
We have a few of these type of characters in game already, so make sure to check out the cast to make sure you don't build a character too similar to one already there.
Would like to have some more sentient mythological creatures and monsters in the cast, from various pantheons and mythologies. The more monstrous creatures will have the ability to use illusion magic, to shift into a human shape, and move amongst the humans easier. Centaurs, satyrs, fae, elves, dwarves, vampires, werewolves, etc. would all fit the bill, but I am happy to consider any other creatures based in mythology. Will consider making some creatures sentient that weren't recorded as such in legends, depending on the creature. Certain creatures are off limits to keep the cast's power level in tact, and are mentioned in the non-playable list in-game, in the character creation thread.
Rift Dwellers
At this point in the game, I am willing to accept one or two characters who have come through rifts (portals that lead into other dimensions and realities) and now live in New Genesis. These will be considered alien species, as opposed to the humans and mythological creatures that call the city home. That said, feel free to get creative, but, make sure to discuss your concept with me first, in a request access pm, before filling out an rtj.
Roles Filled
We are currently not accepting anymore of the following:
Oracle type characters that can see the future
Characters who have mind reading or mind control abilities
Restaurant/Club/Bar/Coffee Shop/Tea Shop Owners
(Note: Some of these broader categories will open up again as the cast grows, I just don't want too many of the same general type of character this early into the game.)
Player Requests
These requests are from players in-game, who are seeking a writing partner, or for an NPC they've created to become a fleshed out PC.
(to be added upon player request)