Looking for Edgerunners
This game will use the core Cyberpunk RED Rules, but I'm looking into adapting the setting using the Edgerunners Mission Kit to bring it up to 2077. I'm really into Cyberpunk 2077 game, and definitely the enjoyment of the awesome Night City setting in that game, has reignited my love for playing Cyberpunk, which I actually only played way back in my youth in the original CP 2020 iteration.
It might be a little slow to get set up properly, but still happy to have RTJ, especially if you have particular ideas of the kinds of stories you want to be involved in. I'm definitely thinking of something more on the sandbox side of things, as one of the awesome things I've loved so far playing CP 2077 is just hoofing it around the city, or in the car, or on a motorbike, and just running into random "assaults in progress", or just suddenly having some gang members fly by in their car to try to run me down, cos I'd got on their bad side from a previous mission...