Seeking one or two players who can post 2-3 times per week. Decent writing skill is preferred. Character creation is essentially random, but there is one Fighter-type PC available for adoption. I adopted this game from the original GM and we've just completed our second adventure. We'll be starting out at 5th level in the next adventure which is about mid-range for this system.
Adventures in the Western Realm is a sandbox campaign which leans toward exploration and episodic adventures. We are using the Realms of Peril game system (no familiarity required), and is set in the Western Realms of Aquilae setting (again, no familiarity required - in fact, a lack of familiarity is preferred).
Realms of Peril Adventurer's Field Guide is available online for around $5.
RTJ here:
link to another game
This message was last edited by the user at 04:35, Tue 27 Aug.