Warcraft mercenary company game
The Consolidation Wars; Twenty Three years after the start of the First Great War and the appearance of the Orcs from the Dark Portal, long after the Alliance defeated and imprisoned the warriors of the Horde in the Second Great War, the ravages of the Third Great war, the threat of the Scourge, and the throwing back of the Burning Legion, are a recent memory. The Alliance and the Horde are courting and gathering allies, they are securing their borders, and an uneasy peace has come to Azeroth.
But that is only the surface. Both the Horde and the Alliance are plagued by splinter factions, opportunists who seek to carve out their own independent fiefdoms in these tumultuous times. Races that had not previously acted on the global stage are seizing the chance to establish themselves. Ideological groups use their influence within the major factions to expand and spread their beliefs.
This is a story of these troubled times, when the factions governing the world were in flux, and alliances of convenience were the order of the day. You will take on the role of mercenaries—a diverse group of troubleshooters — taking jobs for major and minor factions as you choose. Will you assist the Horde and the Alliance in establishing their dominance, or will you aid an as-yet-unknown player in shaking up the status quo on the world of Azeroth?"
That all being said I know what else you are thinking, Mutants and Masterminds?! What the heck?
A few reasons; it's free, it's manages balance (with some oversight), and it's general enough that you can make whatever you want. I know there is official D20 content but it doesn't really simulate how the universe works that well.
Warcraft characters have a few defined tricks they can do (Powers), they can do big magical effects that take a while (Rituals), they can make goofy technology devices (Inventions), and they have a magical/technological artifact giving them access to a specific power (or they have several of the above). D20 does that poorly, M&M does it well.