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NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Posted by Khyron
member, 50 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2024
at 14:06
  • msg #1

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

We've been killed too many times to die now

Manhattan as seen the rise and fall of families, of firms. Yet the sun still rises each day, and the story continues on.

A law firm viewed as a savior, quickly weakening as a political and international case rocked their foundation. Needing a respite, billionaire investor Mr. William Stone took the helm, but soon found a navigator to help sail the ship, and Stone Cold Law Firm was born. The talk of the town, many hoped the new leaders would guide them back to open seas...


But as is often the case everything did not go according to plan. William Stone ran for mayor, won, but was recently assassinated, and rumors about his ties to the Russian mafia circulate as to the possible cause, as tensions rise under the surface between Russian and Italian criminal groups. The law firm saw more high level departures, leaving junior attorneys and managers running things, with largely absent and hands-off actual owners. Surely that will end well for everyone.

Welcome to New York.

This is the latest installment in a series of games with an ongoing history over the course of multiple games and GMs. Originally the game centered on a law firm and the hijinks of its flawed family and staff, but over time and iterations has morphed into a much broader general slice of life type game set in NYC. The law firm is still there and a number of characters are associated with it, but there's a lot more going on too.

Currently there are two major circles characters are associated with - the law firm, and the criminal world in general which intersects with Finnigan's Pub. This is largely a slice of life type game, with characters forming their own plots, building relationships, chasing the next thrill or laying the next brick in their own plans. You do not have to be directly associated with one of the bigger clusters, but it does make entry and connections easier. What you do is largely up to you - for example, most people playing characters at the law firm don't want to get deep into writing out court scenes, etc. so most of that is background, referenced but not the primary focus.

We would love to have more to play with! If you are interested, please peruse existing cast and see where you might want to fit in. Feel free to send us an RTJ, but the first draft doesn't have to be final. We are happy to discuss concepts and help tweak for things that may not be clear from the outside.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an Adult rated game, and that does not JUST mean sexy time. There are other Adult-rated serious themes that exist, that are part of some backgrounds and may well surface in play. Horrible things happen to good people (and not-so-good people). There are uncomfortable situations, heartbreak, and some very unpleasant people - as characters or NPCs (hopefully all the players are nice). Bad things WILL happen in the game, sometimes around your characters, but you will have control/a lot of say about what happens TO your own character. By joining you acknowledge that other characters may be involved with things you personally don't like, or have things happen to their fictional characters you don't like.


All sorts of characters considered, all genders/orientations welcome. That said, we do currently have more ladies than dudes, of any orientation.

Hope to hear from you!
member, 64 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2024
at 14:17
  • msg #2

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Hah! The franchise expands, I see ;) How long until Disney buys it?
member, 51 posts
Tue 10 Sep 2024
at 18:32
  • msg #3

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Gearing up for start/time changes from prior version - starting Friday Nov 8th - some new charactets already to add to the old ones. Come check it out!
member, 52 posts
Tue 17 Sep 2024
at 19:50
  • msg #4

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

This message was last edited by the user at 19:36, Fri 04 Oct 2024.
member, 53 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2024
at 12:23
  • msg #5

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Bump, several other new characters just getting organized, come join us!
member, 54 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2024
at 19:37
  • msg #6

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

This message was last edited by the user at 20:15, Sun 13 Oct 2024.
member, 55 posts
Sun 13 Oct 2024
at 20:21
  • msg #7

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Currently Friday night the week after Halloween. We've had some major dramatic blowups between characters, while some others are getting along much better.

Come check out the cast for an idea, feel free to reach out to discuss ideas prior to a full RTJ.

Some lighthearted stuff, some romance/sexy time, some drama, some darker stories, the campaign tone floats around depending on what's going on and the characters.
member, 56 posts
Wed 23 Oct 2024
at 00:56
  • msg #8

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

On to Saturday! Come check it out!
member, 57 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2024
at 17:47
  • msg #9

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!


A lot of new characters recently, upcoming changes at the law firm, inter-character drama galore!

Come cause/get into trouble!
member, 58 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 03:12
  • msg #10

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

member, 1 post
Sun 17 Nov 2024
at 05:21
  • msg #11

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

In reply to Khyron (msg # 10):

member, 59 posts
Mon 2 Dec 2024
at 13:37
  • msg #12

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

member, 60 posts
Mon 2 Dec 2024
at 13:43
  • msg #13

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

In reply to Khyron (msg # 10):


Hi, welcome to RPoL!

To apply for a game, go to that game, and there should be a button in the menu to 'Request Access'. Depending on the game, there may also be threads about the game in general and RTJ (request to join) tips, rules and things that are worth reading first.
member, 61 posts
Wed 18 Dec 2024
at 20:39
  • msg #14

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!


Saturday night, moving to Sunday before a jump to mid-week, early December.
member, 62 posts
Wed 1 Jan 2025
at 23:11
  • msg #15

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

New Year, new game? Come take a look!
member, 63 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2025
at 17:26
  • msg #16

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

member, 64 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 18:57
  • msg #17

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

And then I bumped again.
member, 65 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 02:10
  • msg #18

NYC slice of life - come take a bite!

Always a good time to join. Some plots taking steps forward, plenty of others to insert into and infinite others to get rolling yourself!

More information about the game owner:

Game: Dynamic Duos.

Game: Los Angelenos 2: Electric Rebootaloo.

Game: Los Angelenos.

3 games running, 0 deleted games.
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