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02:25, 9th February 2025 (GMT+0)
This is an advertisement for the game [Spelljammer 5e] Sol System.

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[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space.

Posted by tmagann
member, 998 posts
Fri 6 Sep 2024
at 00:27
  • msg #1

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

I am running a new Spelljammer game in a backwater system. It will start at 3rd level with a shipwreck. Players will be surviving crew and passengers stuck on an asteroid with a Helm, some scrap wood and whatever they can find of the original ship's cargo and supplies, plus their personal gear, of course, packed in their seabags (or spacebags, or backpack, depending on viewpoint).

Specifics on which collection of asteroids the crash happens on will be determined by the character mix (backgrounds, mainly). The type of crashed ship will also be random, from the encounter table. I'll make those determinations later.

The initial goal will be survival, of course, but you'll have a Helm (at least) and a start towards buying your own ship and working it to make a living. The game will be mostly sandbox, with adventure hooks based on encounters and player activity. And whatever odd inspirations I have, of course.

There isn't a discrete goal or plot to this game, players can do (or try to do) whatever they like, assuming they have the resources.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:03, Thu 12 Sept 2024.
member, 999 posts
Fri 13 Sep 2024
at 00:32
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  • msg #2

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 19:15, Fri 15 Nov 2024.
member, 1000 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2024
at 00:39
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  • msg #3

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 19:15, Fri 15 Nov 2024.
member, 1003 posts
Thu 3 Oct 2024
at 23:46
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  • msg #4

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 19:15, Fri 15 Nov 2024.
member, 1005 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2024
at 19:18
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  • msg #5

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 07:18, Fri 10 Jan.
member, 1006 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2024
at 19:32
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  • msg #6

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 07:18, Fri 10 Jan.
member, 436 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2024
at 20:36
  • msg #7

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

In reply to tmagann (msg # 6):


 I have been a Grognard for D&D since 1980. But I have never had a chance to rp Spell Jammer. It sounded very interesting, but I was always at the wrong place and time, I guess. I hope you might take pity on a newbie and take me on.

Thank you for your time.
member, 1010 posts
Fri 10 Jan 2025
at 01:24
  • [deleted]
  • msg #8

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

This message was deleted by the user at 18:53, Sat 25 Jan.
member, 1011 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2025
at 18:57
  • msg #9

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

The crew is about to try landing on Jupiter, and could use a 6th creman to fill out all 3 watch shifts.

This is a game of survival in Space, focusing on the pitfalls of flying through Wildspace (and, possibly, at some point, Astral Space), not necessarily high character drama.

The game will also, of course, focus a bit on exploring new destinations. Jupiter, for instance, which is a planet nearly impossible to land on safely.
member, 1013 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 19:53
  • msg #10

[Spelljammer/D&D 5e/2014] Life in space

Well, it appears I had the "requesting new players" flag off last time. That has been fixed

We are still looking for a couple new PCs for the crew. The local area is heavy in Gnomes, Autognomes, Plasmoids, and Goliaths, but all standard PHB and SJ races are available except thrikeen.

More information about the game owner:

Game: Spelljammer 5e Reference.

Game: Fantasy Earth.

Game: FE: The Snakes Return.

Game: FE: Siberia.

Game: FE: The Dragon Continent.

Additionally, they used to own these deleted games:

Game: [D616] Bug Hunt.

Game: [Spelljammer 5e] Against the Far Realm.

Game: Life in Wildspace.

Game: Diaspora 4.

Game: Spelljammer 5e: The Hand of Celestian.

Game: Spelljammer 5e: Atlantis Ad Astra.

Game: FE: New Markets.

Game: [Beginner game] Vinland or Bust.

Game: FE: Atlantis Submerged.

5 games running, 9 deleted games.
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