Open World Anime Campaign

We'd like to invite you for a game that we've been working on for years - A game with simple rules and a complex story, where each player can make their choices and own them. Do you want to work with other players as a team or be their enemy and rival? Do you want to be a hero or a villain? A newcomer at the start of their journey or an experienced warrior? In Project Sound Souls, all these decisions and many more are yours to make. Experience a world unlike any other, forged from anime classics old and new, full of secrets to uncover and characters to explore, and where your character's story builds itself around their actions and the actions of others. Whether you're a seasoned tabletop player or a curious casual looking to expand your horizons, specializing in story and romance or in action, Project Sound Souls has something for everyone.
If you want to learn more, please read the thread in the group titled "Instruction Manual", which contains most of the information that you'll need to become a player in this all-new, all-different PbP story. The campaign will begin once we have seven active players in the roster - Until then, stay determined!