Coyote & Crow is a sci-fi/fantasy/alt future RPG written by a Cherokee citizen, aided by a team of Native Writers and artists. The game's perspective is that Europeans never made it across the ocean to colonize the Americas, leaving the Natives to develop math, science, and tech alongside spirituality in their own ways.
C&C is very far removed from any form of D&D. While it is an RPG, it is most definitely not a 'kill the monster, take its stuff' type of game. While combat can and does happen, it happens much less frequently than in a D&D game. In fact, of the 28 General Skills in the game, only three have to do with combat. The other Skills all help round out the characters, and allow them to do everything else in the game.
If you enjoy really role-playing a character, that will take some time to create, with absolutely zero random elements (you select everything), and you won't get bored when combat doesn't happen very often, then you might enjoy C&C. However, it's not a sandbox like some games - it's a series of connected one-shots.
While I tend to run longer, enduring games, there is no long-term commitment required for this game - dropping out (or in) between adventures is perfectly fine. Our test run went from character generation to finishing our first adventure in about 2 1/2 months. Some adventures are shorter than that, especially once the characters are finished.
If this sounds like something you'd like to try, here's the link:
link to another game
Happy gaming, and Merry Christmas!