Halcyon Nights is set in the urban decay and sprawling consumerism of Port Pleasant, a neighbourhood whose name belies the actual atmosphere of the district. Illict street races take place in the highly mechanised port, fortunes of credits made and lost in gambling, scams and what is euphemistically referred to as 'the cost of doing business'.
Central to the neighbourhood is
Need, a tavern and rooming house that is used as a launchpad for those who seek to make a name for themselves in Port Pleasant and those who their sights even higher than that: organised crime, gangs and enclaves all vy for power in Port Pleasant.
The game is largely slice of life, with optional GM-guided jobs and plots: characters are encouraged to help make the neighbourhood uniquely theirs by starting businesses, creating alliances, even making (IC) enemies as they attempt to claw their way to the top. Port Pleasant welcomes lovers, fighters, adventurers, criminals and anyone seeking a place to rebuild their lives.
The Port Pleasant Information Kiosk is now open to all - see HERE!
Enquiries and applications are welcome!
This message was last edited by the user at 12:27, Wed 22 Jan.