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, welcome to Wanted - Players

02:55, 9th February 2025 (GMT+0)
This is an advertisement for the game Forgotten Realms: The Dalelands.

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Looking for new players.

Posted by rlovie
member, 71 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2025
at 01:24
  • msg #1

Looking for new players

Welcome to Forgotten Realms: The Dalelands; starting out as a guided reactive sandbox with hopefully the potential to expand out into a collaborative Sandbox adventure/slice of life game. Where the idea differs from most games in pathfinder; we're not going to world saving end apocalypse heroes; we'll be the friendly neighborhood types. We'll be based out of Mistledale and every player has received a homestead/inheritance from a distant relative in the Dale and you've come to check it out.

Come on in and give us a boo! If this is to your liking, drop us line and welcome to the Dalelands!

More information about the game owner:

Additionally, they used to own these deleted games:

Game: Echoes of Life Divine.

Game: Battletech: Hunter's Paradise.

Game: Wanderer's Luck.

Game: Sargava: Lost Home.

Game: Pathfinder: Life at High Court.

0 games running, 5 deleted games.
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