Superheroes in the Nightmare Future!
This is the future.
Mutants have been declared enemies of the state.
The army of intelligent robots created to destroy them have taken over.
North America is a nightmare land of oppression and war.
Welcome to the world of tomorrow.
This is a superhero game, using the old Marvel Superheroes (MSH/FASERIP) system and taking place in the "Days of Future Past" setting. The plan is to make fun, interesting characters and run through as much of the old MX series of modules as we can get through. If we finish up all that, we can talk about what happens next.
No experience with the system is necessary. The rules aren't very complicated and they're available online for free.
Come take a look. Ask any questions you might have. And if you like, submit an application.
Onward to the future!
This message had punctuation tweaked by the user at 19:51, Tue 04 Feb.