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02:08, 9th February 2025 (GMT+0)
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Morrowind esque

Posted by Xanthius
member, 31 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2025
at 02:17
  • msg #1

Morrowind esque

My experience with Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind was my favorite. The ability to craft spell components was amazing. I found code on for the maths. I created a spreadsheet and modified it to dial it down to 3 stats. Math creates a DC to beat with a d100 roll. For physically focused characters, there is math for mix and match armor pieces.

Don't worry about the math, I'll make the necessary calculations and apply the results to your character sheet.

Since this is essentially alpha test of my modified system, I will utilize the side quests and faction quests in an open world Morrowind without the main quest line for multi-player facility.
member, 119 posts
Literally every
kind of wrestling
Wed 5 Feb 2025
at 03:09
  • msg #2

Morrowind esque

That sounds very, very cool.

I don't believe I have time for another game just now but I hope it goes well (and I wouldn't mind lurking if you have lurkers).

More information about the game owner:

Game: Darksword Adventures.

Game: WoT: Age of Legends.

Game: Fabula Ultima: You tell the tale.

Game: Endaria.

4 games running, 0 deleted games.
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