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19:51, 1st May 2024 (GMT+0)

resteraunts  and bars #2.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 918 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 20:35
  • msg #12


Bronko waited to be directed to a table.  He made sure to pull out Alice's chair and asked her what she would like.  He ordered ravioli and a nice red wine, nothing too sweet.  "When I first moved to New Jack, I found this place.  It was nice, especially because it was walking distance from the townhouses.  I didn't have a car at the time."
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #13


  The  waiter   greeted   Alice and Bronko.... the special are  on the front,   the drinks in the back, , right after the  dessert?.. Free  refills on Coffee... do you have an order in mind
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 919 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 00:52
  • msg #14


Bronko looks to Alice, "My dear?"
Alice Montomery
player, 204 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 01:20
  • msg #15


 Alice smiled was about to replied when the waiter arrived, Alice smiled and said " I will try the Mama's Italian homemade medley Special please." Alice was fine with the wine Bronko ordered and got a bottle.

" Thank you this is a very nice place." She smiled at Bronko and looked at the waiter and smiled to acknowledge him and the restaurant so far.
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 01:37
  • msg #16


 After  taking Alice and bronko's   orders, the waiter  scurried off , leaving the menus , opened to the desserts.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4126 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 04:10
  • msg #17


In reply to mins (msg # 10):

"It's almost as if you were meant to be here." Lindsey smiled, setting her drink down. It was almost empty. "Hey, I'm going to order fried mozzarella. Will you help me eat them?" She waved to Tiffany, who came over to see what she wanted.

"Yeah, another round and I want and order of the mozzarella sticks. Extra sauce please. Thanks" Cleaning up all the empty plates and glasses, Tiffany checked if Mindy wanted anything additional before going off to place the order.

"So, I was thinking of getting moving closer to Dragon Studios. Something in the same complex as Sage. After the Superbowl, I'll only need to be at the stadium occasionally until pre-season. The one we have now is cheap enough that I might just keep it too, though. What are your plans? Of course, you can stay as long as you want, but if you plan on maybe moving in with Mik, that might influence what I do."
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 12:26
  • msg #18


  Mindy Ordered another  soda  as she nodded to sharing the cheese  sticks. They she waggled her  finger back and forth..I spend  enough time at Mik's... I don't think i want to  'move in'.  if we are going to be around  each other that  much, i beet  have something to 'seal the deal'.

The waggling finger, became a pointing  finger,BUT... that doesn't mean you make  decisions based on me...  I canalways  find someplace   to rent, or even  buy, if  i Think NJN will keep me for the long haul. So?  You do what you need to do.. I'll be ok
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 920 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 19:28
  • msg #19


Bronko put in his order for ravioli and thanked the waiter.  "Sometimes, these kinds of places are the best food and the best atmosphere.  The fancy places can think too much of themselves and you end up paying more for less, but here, you get a good meal at a good price.  And here I am with a great gal.  Nothing to complain about, eh?"
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4127 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 02:00
  • msg #20


In reply to mins (msg # 18):

Lindsey shook her head. "First of all, you're my friend and my roommate. Of course I'm going to consult you. It would be wrong not to. And second, you have a say in what happens. You live there. I'd never leave you high and dry. Never."

"I don't have to make any decisions on that right now. My lease isn't up until September anyway. I just wanted to know hat you were thinking with regards to living arrangements and Mik. So, you aren't thinking of moving in with him and you aren't thinking marriage. No next level. You're just happy with things as they are? "

"So, if I did have a second place over by the studio, would you stay in this one still? Again, you're welcome to do so for as long as you want. I'm sure NJN will be keeping you. I mean, Carlton is your direct boss. That desk is yours forever if you want it."
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 02:43
  • msg #21


   Mindy smiled as Lindsey talked.well?  I mean, I like my room, the place is pretty close  to NJN If you  got a second place,  you would have the first one was a 'getaway' or a crash pad if you needed to be at the studio?..of  course if that happen, i would tke over the Utilities... i still feel guilty just splitting  with you now?..seems unfair

 There is no hurry for Me  and Mik. Right?  heck, he already Met my Dad and Mom..OMG!.. My Mom wants to adopt  Mik and Adam?    For me?   , Nce  down to much as Nutballs can be down to earth. But we'll see what hapens  after the suoerbowl.. win or lose, its goign to be a massive impact on these players can they handle the Untimate failure...and can the handle the Ultimate  success... Then..i can see if i want to look at silverware patterns..

she gigged Those guys?  Mik  told be when they  moved down here, they left all thier   'silverware' aat thier apartment..he showed me a picture.. they  had  about  4  dozen plastic   spoons , forks and Knifes  from every  icecram and  burger joint in the  area God  only knows  what they used  for dishes.

she was  laughing a bit more...anyway? I can't see his  folks. he met'll see what happens.. who knows..what's lurking out there , ready to pounce on him?
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4128 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 03:52
  • msg #22


"Hey, if you want to split the utilities, I won't say no. I mean, it's not necessary. I have to pay them either way, and it's not really that much. But if you want to, just kick in an extra $100 a month."

Tiffany brought the next round of drinks and the mozzarella sticks. Lindsey immediately put two sticks on her plate and bit into a third. It was hotter than expected, making her have to drink down some cold drink to cool her tongue.

"Ow. Careful with those. They're good, but still hot."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter who throws themselves at Mik. He's not going anywhere. Are you really worried about that? Seriously. You have nothing to fear. That guy is in love. I mean, unless you're having doubts. Are you?"
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 10:29
  • msg #23


  Mindy  smiles, done!.  i will have an envelope on the   counter   tonight  before i go to bed . Its  only right, you know?

  putting  one on her plate she let it sit  for a bit. sipping  her soda.well?  Not  real worried , but there is a lingering  'chick' in my mind.  her name is Lydia? from Hamilton, from what i understand, she was like  , one of the  3 musketeers  with  Mik and Adam... from what Mik says, when we talk about 'pasts'.. she was more  into Mik then Adam,,Mik seemed insulted, because she though Adam was boring.. but i guess  Adam did there, what he does here.. bingeing on game film..staying late  after  practice  to work with that Jugs  Machine , thing....anyway? she's married  to some suit in Hamilton and has a kid, Mik was making noise  about inviting her  down for the superbowl..not thrilled about that..he says he has to ask Adam if that would be a good far , he hasn't.

  But hey?  she's way up there..and I'm down here,.. i don't see Mik wanting to hook up with someone who has a kid that's not his...and The Suit guy is  some kind of shipping guy on the great Lakes, so Lydia is set .
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4129 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 14:27
  • msg #24


Lindsey nodded. "Oh yeah. I know all about her. Adam actually liked her too. From the way he talked about her, I felt a twinge also. It was just a thing with Adam and me. Lydia was special. Lark was beautiful. I guess he complimented me everyone else, but not too often to me. And he seldom talked about other women with any kind of attraction, so when he did with Lydia and Lark, it really bothered me." At that, she drained half her drink

"But yeah, Adam also said that Lydia was more into Mik, but apparently she was sleeping with both of them. Still, I wouldn't worry about her if she's married and has a kid. And it hasn't been that long. That kid can't be more than a year old. She's got to be all into mamma mode. That baby would be demanding everything from her. The last thing she's be thinking about is guys. But, even if she's up there pining for the good old days, Mik isn't that guy anymore. And if he was, married moms wouldn't be his thing."

"Think about it, he's surrounded by Dragonettes, women throw themselves at him, and still all he wants is you. Now as for whether she should come visit? I don't know. If you're uncomfortable with it then say so. I mean, if she wanted to come as a friend, she has the money with shipping guy, right? No need for Mik to 'bring her down'"
Alice Montomery
player, 205 posts
Heathers Mom
Dancer and cook
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 14:56
  • msg #25


 Alice smiled, " Oh yes I agree, you know I love to cook, so I love going to home style places, those fancy places are ok for Special occasions but I like a family homecooked type restaurant all the time. Just feels more right." Alice smiled and waited for their wine.
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 18:12
  • msg #26


  Mindy   quirked her Lips, Yeah? You're  right i guess.. I don't  want to be 'that chick', who tells  Mik he can't have a lady friend around? I think the  thing about her  coming is, Mik has  tickets?... Pooe Adam? Mik said he called  'his new york Mom' to see if she and the Guys wanted to come to the game, he would pay for everything and he had  tickets,,, The 'mom' said no, because they are booked for two Superbowl parties  there, she said it might  bring in more then they do all Month!   Adam has tickets too. He'll give them to guys who ask..but he won't advertise it, because he doesn't  want to make some  guys feel Bad..Mik is the same way, which is how i know, i guess... big deal, abiout Lydia... You're  right, no matter what would happen, Mik isn't   going to mess with a married lady with a kid  at home.
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 921 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 18:30
  • msg #27


Bronko just admired Alice in the low lighting. Sometimes it was best to just appreciate things and say nothing.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4130 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 1 May 2024
at 02:51
  • msg #28


"I don't think would mess with another woman at all. I mean, if he would, then there's nothing you can do to stop him. You either trust him or you don't. If you do, just put it out of your head. If you don't, then - Lydia or no Lydia - this is already over."

"So, do you think Lacy is going to show up at the Superbowl? I guess the crawdad network hired her for some specials, but if she shows up as a sideline chick, I don't know what I'm going to do. Cici's going to be bad enough."
Wed 1 May 2024
at 04:13
  • msg #29


   Mindy shook her head..I checked the   Creds that were handed out..  She's be in Miami but  a Restraining order says she can't  be   jedia day... They found a Loop hole  where she can be in the  Box  with the   'hotDang' locals , and she'll be adding to the play by play for them.. but as
 far as the network feeds. all she can do is watch.

  you feel like dessert?

   one of the two  suits  across the way came over.Excuse me..  I'm   Bass  Nilson.. that's  me Mate over there  shoveling in the  pasta. the dark haired guy smiled a  bit  wryly .They sent us  down from  Hamilton way?.. I notcied you two  are the Girls of the two names  from our  neck of the woods..   Mik G and that bronk  fellow.. I was wonderting, if  you have time, maybe  give us some insight?  were  bpoth Bleedin' new up there, Just came over  frot   Yorhsire way an' got a  Job  covering the CFL.. But  the dragom  Hbvae..4..well..had  4? Canadian i guess its   3?

 he shrugged  a bit,we  could buy yer  Tucker? if that would help? he pointed at the plates.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4131 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 1 May 2024
at 04:51
  • msg #30


Lindsey seemed somewhat relieved that Lacy wouldn't be in the feeds. If the former Pats beat was up in the Saints' owner's box, there as nothing she could do about that, but at least she would be out of sight.

"Sure. I can handle some dessert. The caramel brownie and icecream is really good, and shareable. It's super rich too, so better to split it."

After they placed the dessert order, a Canadian man came over asking for some insight into presumably the former CFL players. Despite having been around Mik, Lindsey wasn't quite understanding his vernacular. From what she pieced together, he and his friend back at his table were some kind of reporters? Apparently she and Mindy were recognized, and a Tucker was a meal.

"Um, I'm not quite following." Lindsey looked to Mindy for help. "You want information on Mik, Adam, and Bronko? Who do you work for and what kinds of insights are you looking for?" Noobs
This message was last edited by the player at 04:52, Today.
Wed 1 May 2024
at 05:10
  • msg #31


  The   guy's  hands  went in his pockets and she  hunched   his shouldersNo?  if  I be  knowing that, I wouldn't have   ta  ask now would   I...  We  got Mik 'ere, and the big bloke , bronko..ya? an' the other one is the  Little guy.. Bomb..right..ya?  so.. what were 'oping, is  ya  could get a bit us  a .., his left had  came out of  his  pocket and  waved a bit,wee.. bit  o' are they Good  Blokes   or wankers?  An'   do  the other blokes get along  with them, an all?.. may  some  special food they like..ya?  Women always like to her of  famous Bloke's likin' food.

 I mean?  The Bleedin' dragons, jolly  well  wiped the floor  with the rest  of the league..'eh?.. So i guess,,maybe  some highlight s about what thry do good.. I mean.. we can compare it  to  our  Football..but, most folks   won't understand the Numbers  as  much..Still. got  to give them  some Proper Numbers , so's  the  football die hards  can get somethin' to chew
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4132 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 1 May 2024
at 05:42
  • msg #32


Lindsey hoped her expression wasn't showing her confusion. It took long enough for Bass Nilson to come around to what he really wanted, but he still didn't say who he worked for. Not that it really mattered. Nothing he was asking for was a secret. It was more lifestyles of the Rich and Famous kind of thing. And unless he was a good actor, Bass' accent was Canadian not Creole.

"Well, Mr.Nilson, I guess I don't mind helping you out, but my friend and I were having a quiet night. If she doesn't mind, sure. Otherwise, it'll have to be another time. Maybe tomorrow late morning"
Wed 1 May 2024
at 05:49
  • msg #33


    Bass, nodded he reached out his hand,Rightthen.. I toddle of to me mate and hop  i have some food We're gonna pop around to the Dragon's Nest for practcie. hope to see you there,,'eh? Thank you for  your time, I didn't mean  to step in in ... enjoy  yer night..

After  hand  shakes ..Bass walked off  and  stopped  at his  table, his hands  coming-out of his  pockets  with a frustrated  show.. The waitress  can  and he talked to her, giving her  a few  extra  bill...a  moment later she came out  with more pasta so he could have something to eat!
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4133 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 1 May 2024
at 05:58
  • msg #34


"No, I don't think you understand. I'll be on a plane tomorrow. You can call me. I'll be flying for five hours, so I'll have plenty of time." She handed him a card. "Call around around 11 or 12"

After Bass went back to his table, Lindsey turned to Mindy. "I was actually waiting for you to chime in, but it's fine. He can call me tomorrow if he has questions."
Wed 1 May 2024
at 11:21
  • msg #35


 Mindy watched him go and have a  head shake as he bereted his friend and had to order  new food. They'll see me at the 'nest'... nshe  had a short Giggle.

 so?  These   guys come from England, hoping to get  Jobs in CFL  sports, and they  send  them  down  here for the Biggest  championship game inn the whole world?..Hey?  Don't get me wrong, i was sent Local  'Cotton Queen' fets  to  judger   potato sack races and  report on how many times   Clay Hogsworth  on the ATV hill climbing event... But this ..This is the superbowl?  You can't   tell me someone in  Canada  wasn't drooling at the chance to  Fly  down  here  an soak up the  sights. Of Course> they may be the only folks hgere from Hamilton, there  might be a group from the  whole  maple flavored  country  down here, we haven't met yet...I... I guess they would be lumped in  with those  folks  from the Bayou, at the Lair?

 I'll get Jenny or  someone  to  ask the   Gate Guards who is 'out of country"...but i'm thinking  we wo0n't see 90% of them until  Media Dessert?
Wed 1 May 2024
at 13:42
  • msg #36


  The waiter  Brings Bronko and Alices  food  and drinks...there are servers  around, and the  counter  can be seen from here? You need  anything, wave. Otherwise  I'll return in about 15 minutes to see if you need  drinks  refilled.
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