This is where I will list Loot and stuff. Please do not post here.
gp item
150 scroll of invisibility(cl 3)
25 scroll of magic weapon(cl 1)
150 scroll of Silence(cl 3)
138 Spellbook with some pages ruined,
320 masterwork rapier medium
375 masterwork longbow medium
1 20 arrows
4 2 daggers
50 1 intact potion bottle with opaque greenish liquid in it,
made of stronger glass, marked jump
25 scroll of obscuring mist(cl 1)
112 gp
500 Wayfinder/
375 wand clw(cl 1, 1d8+1, 25chgs) to group CBM
75 Ioun Torch/
500 reward for 2 mimics
2800 + 100gp each
660gp each
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:13, Sun 19 Apr 2020.