- they have human levels of intelligence, they could be smart enough to hide their victims belongings
- they can probably understand language(s)(common most likely), but can they speak?
- they are ambush predators and have lots of patience and will power. It was in the dining room all day with food smells and didn't attack anyone until there was a battle near it and fresh blood.
- their adhesive is dissolved with strong alcohol or Universal Solvent. It also breaks down shortly after the creature is killed. It can probably exude more adhesive after an unknown length of time.
- They are very difficult to detect. Both Bobble and Conan were mere feet from it and had no idea it wasn't a chair.
- They are strong, about as strong as Conan
- They are slow (movement speed), slower than Bobble
- While they can change shape, their mass and size remain the same and their appearance has a hard and rough texture.
- this mimic was young("teenager") and starving.
Apparently the rat population at the inn has almost disappeared, probably thanks to the mimic. The local population of stray dogs and cats have also seen a decrease and food has been disappearing from the kitchen, so they put in a night watchman with a dog last week.
- Mimics breed by budding/splitting, usually in 2 but sometimes more than 2. So there is a possibility of there being more of them around.
- Mimics (like reptiles and snakes) can eat a lot and then go without food for awhile
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:59, Sat 11 Apr 2020.