MIMIC ?+14 dam
Conan 9 dam
Bobble enters the room, rapier at ready in 1 hand and a bottle in the other.
Conan enters behind him, his big flail in a 2handed grip.
Makoto, dagger and Jug in her hands, and Yin, rocks in hand, flank the door in the hallway.
Yang, with shield and glowing black hand, walks into the doorway behind the door and starts concentrating. You can feel waves of energy coming from him, icky negative energy that threatened to drain your life, but oddly feels muted and distant and doesn't hurt at all. 6, 5, 1, 5. After this channel Bobble notices the floor between the beds start to move, but doesn't react fast enough to act before it. Everyone had looked at that part of the room in looking around and had noticed nothing wrong. Mimics are scary.
OOC: There is a surprise round, the Mimic goes first.
Now Bobble goes on the Surprise round(1 action) and Conan, Yang and Makoto go before the Mimic at the top of the 1st round(full round).
Round Surprise
Bobble attacks with his rapier and misses.
Round 1
Yang waits for someone to use some alcohol on the thing...
Conan swings his flail down onto the mimic...and it gets stuck again.
Makoto moves around the corner and dumps her jug of alcohol all over the mimic.
Conan's flail comes loose. She has a knife out so she is flanking with Bobble.
Yang easily touches the mimic with his black glowing hand. The black glow seems to flow into the mimic and a wound appear on it.
OOC: 19+ to hit, but min dam, ouch
Mimic switches focus to Conan, slamming into the halforc with tremendous force, 9 dam. You can swear it looks surprised when it's adhesive doesn't work.
Your turn. Use the previous map(below) except Makoto is now in the doorway next to the mimic. Also, please record the buff spells and durations (see msg 77) in the buff section...Bobble and Yang.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:29, Mon 13 Apr 2020.