SA CHP 0: Meetings

As Tulre walks in, the dining area near the front door goes silent as the customers stare at the halforc. The manager near the front door holds up his hands and says "Hold on, the dog and weapons are not allowed, you must tie your dog outside and check all your weapons. Those are the rules." A quick glance around the room shows that to be a lie. There's a dog and cat lying in front of the fire place and while most people don't have weapons, several do.
As Conan enters with the dog in tow, he's patting himself off trying to in a vain attempt to separate himself from all dust and dirt of the road outside and himself. He stops near the manager, still brushing himself off, he notices that the noise and general uproar go silent and turn to the manager and say, "What did you say?" distractedly and look around then and notice the animals and folks with weapons.
When the manager repeats what he said, Conan will straighten himself up, stop brushing himself off and then ushers Conover back out and back to Dorsey. He will, however, keep both his flail and dagger with him by saying, "These stay with me but I left my sword and bow with my other gear, sir. If you don't believe me, go fetch the stable hand. What I want, is a room, bath and food, and not in any particular order either. I'm here for the bard concert and I don't want any fights but rest assured if one does get started, I'LL SURE FINISH IT." He said the last part with emphasis in the hope to put the fear of GOD into any and all would be trouble makers.
OOC:14:28, Today: Tulre rolled 18 using 1d20+6. possible intimidation rolll
This message was last edited by the player at 21:30, Fri 03 Apr 2020.