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22:27, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

SA CHP 1: The Table Laughed.

Posted by aaaFateFor group 0
GM, 133 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Tue 31 Mar 2020
at 16:35
  • msg #1

SA CHP 0: Meetings

   Your life was going along like normal until your mother fell ill/got cursed/whatever and the local spellcasters/healers could do nothing for her.  The only clue/divinations were that it was connected to your never seen father, Diridon the Dashing.  He was a bard that came through your area, made love to your mom and then left, never to be seen again.  But he left behind a gift for your mom, you.  So you have left home to find this man and find a way to cure/help your mom.  You have heard from a travelling merchant that a bard named Diridon the Dashing has been playing in inns over the pass in Molthune.
   Everyone knows Molthune has become distrustful of strangers since the fall of Kenabres to an orcish raid a few years ago. This distrust is especially virulent toward orcs and others with orcish roots, influence, or appearance, but all strangers are generally distrusted.
   After arriving in Molthune you have heard rumors that Diridon the Dashing is performing at the Gnarly Oak Inn in the city of Nerosyan.  It is evening and the inn/tavern is fairly full.

What do you do?  Whoever posts 1st arrived 1st.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:53, Thu 02 Apr 2020.
player, 3 posts
Thu 2 Apr 2020
at 22:10
  • msg #2

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble will arrive and will stable his goat. He will get a room and then get and find a seat near the stage. Might as well eat while he waits.
GM, 135 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #3

SA CHP 0: Meetings

  Takes a seat at the last open table.  When he orders he notices he draws some sour looks from a few other customers, probably because of his accent.  However, looks is all they do.  Being a gnome, Bobble is used to being underestimated.  They obviously don't consider him a threat.  Soon he is being ignored by the other customers, though the wait staff is suitably attentive.

  While there is no stage at the moment, these sorts of places could hold performances in 2 ways.  The performer could just wander around/among the tables or they could clear an area for the performer.   This is a fairly nice bar.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:45, Fri 03 Apr 2020.
player, 4 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 10:17
  • msg #5

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble will ask the waitress Excuse me mam, do you know where that bard went who was here a few days ago? I hear he was pretty good and I would like to find him. Also, what's keeping the rats away?
player, 3 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 10:18
  • msg #6

SA CHP 0: Meetings

When Conan gets into town, it's well past noon and maybe even into evening, he wasn't not to sure anymore what day it was because he had struggled with his gear, his animals and almost everything else under the sun just getting to this town in order to see this bard, who might be his father but there were no real guarantees, if this were the one.   All he had been thinking about before getting into town was a hot bathe and a warm meal along with good ole fashioned sleep, he was that tired.    First things first though, he had to stable Dorsey and find the inn.    Well, he found the INN and stable and not in that order.

"Stable boy, I'm leaving this anvil here for the blacksmith, to use as he sees fit.   Ensure he gets it in the morning will ya."   Conan states to the stable attendant when he unburdens the mule with the pack saddle and places it on the ground of the stall.   "Please rub down and feed the beast, would you please, "I assure you he really is a good and gentle animal just stubborn like his master sometimes, I guess"   Conan continues and that last part was said light heartily but wearily as well.   As Conan is about to leave the stable without payment of course, he's that tired, he'll turn around with the attendant hot on his heels.   Conan pulls out a small pouch of coin, jingling it in his hand and says, "This has enough in it to pay for the lodging of the mule and my stuff and feed for my dog if he has to stay here tonight.   I am going to the concert of that famous bard in town and hopefully staying in the Inn or you can find me in the morning at the local jail and I'll settle up with you, your boss and the blacksmith."   Saying this last statement without mirth of any kind realizing the town reputation for outsider and especially Orcish kind.    He turns and leaves the stable with the dog in tow.

Getting to the inn was easier than he thought probably because of all the peole in town. everyone was rushing to and tho or maybe it was the dog, he didn't really care which because he had arrived at his destination.   Going in was no problem but possibly coming out free might be.   He walks into the main room facing the street with dog beside him.
GM, 136 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 12:50
  • msg #7

SA CHP 0: Meetings

   The Waitress, a middle-aged lady, thinks a moment.  "Sorry sir, I don't know where he went.  He left all sudden like.  It wouldn't surprise me if he got run out of town by a group fathers and husbands with the way he was carrying on.  Still he could entertain and did draw in the business.  As for the rats, no one knows.  The Inn had normal rat problems until a few months ago.  But then they started to disappear and now we don't have any.  Nasty things and good riddance."  Bobble notices a large halforc in armor, with weapons and a good sized dog walk in.

  As Tulre walks in, the dining area near the front door goes silent as the customers stare at the halforc. The manager near the front door holds up his hands and says "Hold on, the dog and weapons are not allowed, you must tie your dog outside and check all your weapons.  Those are the rules."  A quick glance around the room shows that to be a lie.  There's a dog and cat lying in front of the fire place and while most people don't have weapons, several do.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:23, Mon 06 Apr 2020.
player, 5 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 17:35
  • msg #8

SA CHP 0: Meetings

player, 4 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #9

SA CHP 0: Meetings

 As Tulre walks in, the dining area near the front door goes silent as the customers stare at the halforc. The manager near the front door holds up his hands and says "Hold on, the dog and weapons are not allowed, you must tie your dog outside and check all your weapons.  Those are the rules."  A quick glance around the room shows that to be a lie.  There's a dog and cat lying in front of the fire place and while most people don't have weapons, several do.

As Conan enters with the dog in tow, he's patting himself off trying to in a vain attempt to separate himself from all dust and dirt of the road outside and himself.   He stops near the manager, still brushing himself off, he notices that the noise and general uproar go silent and turn to the manager and say, "What did you say?" distractedly and look around then and notice the animals and folks with weapons.

When the manager repeats what he said, Conan will straighten himself up, stop brushing himself off and then ushers Conover back out and back to Dorsey.   He will, however, keep both his flail and dagger with him by saying, "These stay with me but I left my sword and bow with my other gear, sir.    If you don't believe me, go fetch the stable hand.   What I want, is a room, bath and food, and not in any particular order either.    I'm here for the bard concert and I don't want any fights but rest assured if one does get started, I'LL SURE FINISH IT."   He said the last part with emphasis in the hope to put the fear of GOD into any and all would be trouble makers.

OOC:14:28, Today: Tulre rolled 18 using 1d20+6.  possible intimidation rolll
This message was last edited by the player at 21:30, Fri 03 Apr 2020.
GM, 137 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #10

SA CHP 0: Meetings

  Tulre(the halforc) turns around and leaves...and talking resumes around the Inn.  He returns to the entrance without the dog and a couple of weapons (a big falchion and bow), though he still carries a big flail and a short sword.  As the Manager tries to stop him Tulre(the halforc) threatens him and walks in anyway past the cowed manager.  A waitress cautiously gives him a large tankard of ale, curtesy of the orange haired gnome in the corner.  A couple of people go quickly out the backdoors.
player, 6 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 02:54
  • msg #11

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble watches the antics of the half orc, and keeps an eye on the four guys. He will very carefully cock his crossbow under the table (slight of hand roll if needed). After the waitress gives the big lug the ale, Bobble will wave him over to his table. Hello. My name is Bobble. I am impressed with your entrance. Subtle you are not. What brings another stranger here?
player, 5 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 15:52
  • msg #12

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Conan accept the the drink from the serving lady with respect, by saying, "Thank You."and without looking her up and down with a glance, thinking she probably gets that every day but not the gratitude.   When she leaves Conan, he will continue to the tables looking for the particular Gnome.   When he gets to him, Conan will say,"Thank You for the drink and I'm Conan, by the way.    May I sit?."   When it is okay to sit, he sits down.   "In answer to your question of way I  am here is, the bard,   I have some business with him.   In answer to my entrance, well that was to allay any would be miscreants as well to call the rules, liars, because there are animals in here as well as weapons unchecked.   I didn't mean to scare the manager but it worked so much the better."   Conan will take a drink and asks, "And you friend, Bobble, what brings you to a town that distrusts anyone they feel is stranger than them."
player, 7 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #13

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble looks at the stranger. Hello. I also came seeking a bard. He is gone however. He will lower his voice There are four men at that one table who are looking for trouble. Your arrival was not welcome I’m afraid.
GM, 138 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 19:55
  • msg #14

SA CHP 0: Meetings

  As Bobble and Conan chat they notice the 4 rough men take a swig from their cup, slam them onto the table.  Then they get up and head toward the table Bobble and Conan are sitting at. The men look resolute.  They are wearing leather work outfits and are armed with daggers, though they are not drawn at the moment.
  At the entrance a pair of humans enter.  One is dressed in black with white trim and the other is white with black trim.  It is too far for details, but from what you can see, beautiful would describe them best.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:25, Sat 04 Apr 2020.
player, 8 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 20:26
  • msg #15

SA CHP 0: Meetings

You do have a way of stirring things up, don't you? Please do not draw any weapons, but there are four guys coming this way. they have no weapons out. Also a few more locals are looking interested in you. I am not planning on getting hurt today, so please don't do anything crazy, OK? Under the table Bobble will draw back the string on the light crossbow and load it. (rolled a total of 20 using slight of hand). He then sets the crossbow on the floor within easy reach. To the room at general, he says This is such a lovely inn! You good people are lucky to have such a nice place. Please gentlemen, do not do anything to damage it?
player, 7 posts
Sat 4 Apr 2020
at 21:24
  • msg #16

SA CHP 0: Meetings

"Damn, I was afraid of that," Conan said resignedly, after hearing about the bards' departure and hearing that his presence wasn't very welcome either came as no big surprise either, in fact he says, "I've gotten used to that fact a little to often, and I'm getting a little tired of it."   He says under his breath and possibly a little louder then a whisper only loud enough for the Gnome or one or two other patrons could hear.

With that said, he'll motion Bobble forward to hear more in a lower conversational voice?

"You know the fight is either going to be in the morning when we leave, in here tonight or when we leave town but either way, and for this, I'm sorry, but those associated  with me are going to be included.   Are you up for a ruckus, my Gnomish friend, since they have seen you with me."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:16, Sat 04 Apr 2020.
player, 1 post
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 17:41
  • msg #17

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Yin says to the manager "Don't mind us...", Yang finishes"...we'll just sit at the bar" as they saunter gracefully toward the bar.
GM, 139 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 18:54
  • msg #18

SA CHP 0: Meetings

  The 4 rough men finish crossing the distance to the table where the halforc(Conan) and gnome(Bobble) sit.  You can smell the alcohol on their breath.  They don't seem too drunk, but are obviously under the influence of the alcohol.  The leader, with a "surprise" move tries to grab Conan's drink off the table but misses.  He recovers from his miss and glares at Conan, "You aren't wanted here, leave now or we will make you leave."  The men have clenched fists.  Behind them the manager is saying, "Not in here, take this outside.", but the rough men are ignoring him.  The rest of the inn has gotten quiet.

We are effectively in Combat rounds and they got initiative.  The leader has used his action, but the other 3 are Delayed.  We are in combat rnds just to see when people act, that doesn't mean you have to attack.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:32, Sun 05 Apr 2020.
player, 9 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #19

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble will calmly pick up his mug from the table. He will shrug at Conan and then sit back. Sorry big guy, this is on you. I’ll help if you need it. Just don’t draw any dang weapons ok?
player, 8 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 20:48
  • msg #20

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Conan takes this all in, the two beautiful people entering the inn, Bobble doing his thing and answering him, what the Manager had said and even the missed opportunity with the ale mug and especially what the thug had said before getting up or even saying anything, but now he will act or at least say something.    Before getting up he say rather tiredly and annoyed, with a bit of sharpness and loud enough so all to hear, "Gentlemen, and I use the term loosely by the way, you're interrupting a nice drink before I get my BATH, ROOM and MEAL, IN THAT ORDER."   Conan glances at the Manager purposefully in order to get those things accomplished.   Conan continues by saying in the exact tone as before, "You're drunk clearly or at the very least have your judgement impaired, or you would have taken my ale away."   As to Bobble request for Conan to not draw any weapons, "I won't draw unless they draw first, Hey , there's an idea, get them to draw daggers first, since I'm not leaving this inn until morning, Sirs."
And than another thought came to Conan to Summon the city watch by stating that fact, "I'll leave if the watch ask me peacefully and after I've voiced my OBJECTIONS to them about my treatment by this place first."   Conan says frostily so all can hear.   he says all this while trying slowly to stand up, in front of the table.   Conan gives his best toothy grin at them and goes BOO in his best growl.

OOC: 13:42, Today: Conan rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  intimidation roll.
player, 2 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 21:14
  • msg #21

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Yin and Yang will watch and get ready.
GM, 140 posts
The unforgiving jungle
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 23:05
  • msg #22

SA CHP 0: Meetings

OOC; Intimidation is vs 1 target. 
Action: Using Intimidate to change an opponent’s attitude requires 1 minute of conversation. Demoralizing an opponent is a standard action.
  So I am going to call that a demoralizing roll.
Unarmed attacks provoke, but since everyone is unarmed, no one threatens

  The leader is obviously shaken/demoralized  by Conan's confidence and muscles, but his comrades are having none of the halforc's sass and start throwing punches.  1 punch manages to land and deals 4 nonlethal damage to Conan.  The manager grabs 1 of the chairs to prevent it from being trampled on saying, "You break it you buy it."  The table is jostled and Bobble's mug spills most of his drink (dex roll and rolled a 2).
  The people nearby getup and back way from the fight, a few men more slowly than the others.  They might want to beat up Conan, but probably want to see how the fight goes first.
  The 2 beautiful people start acting.  The man(Yang) moves through the crowd and confronts the leader "Pardon me sir, but 4 on 1 is not fair odds.  You should wait your turn to be thrashed.  While my countrymen might be rude, he is in the right."  The girl(Yin) starts helping people get out of the way.
player, 9 posts
Sun 5 Apr 2020
at 23:34
  • msg #23

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Conan will take the first punch and counter with one of his own and stepping away from the table in doing it.

OOC:16:23, Today: Conan rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  counter punch unarmed strike.

player, 10 posts
Mon 6 Apr 2020
at 00:11
  • msg #24

SA CHP 0: Meetings

Bobble will shake his head over his spilled drink. Then he will watch the fight. In particular he is looking for anyone who may be preparing to draw or use a weapon. Action is held.
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