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12:02, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

SA Chp 2 Dawnton.

Posted by aaaFate (Makoto n Chito)For group 0
aaaFate (Makoto n Chito)
GM, 175 posts
The story so far...
Sun 19 Apr 2020
at 15:36
  • msg #1

Chp 2 Dawnton

   As Yin/Yang prepare to leave (shopping and such) they hear that a foreign bard named Diridon the Dashing has been arrested for murder in Dawnton and will be hanged in 7 days.
   Before departing Nerosyan, the PCs might be able to learn more about Dawnton.  Dawnton is a small village at the crossroads of the local trade highway and the Setian River, a tributary of the Egelsee. It has a small permanent population, but swells to many times its size on festival days and during the harvest.  As with many small villages in the region, Dawnton has become distrustful of strangers since the fall of Kenabres. This distrust is especially virulent toward orc-bloods and foreigners influence, or appearance.  Tobias Luin is both the village’s sheriff and mayor. Local opinion holds that he is fair to the point of being soft. It is unusual that he would hold an execution, but local law calls for a vote of the citizenry to decide the fate of those guilty of capital crimes.  There are rumors of similar brutal crimes in other villages near Dawnton. When a guilty party was found in those cases, execution was always the result.

OOC: What do you buy and how do you want to travel, foot, horse, carriage.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:41, Sun 19 Apr 2020.
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