I will describe the room later. Right now I am trying to work on a combat form which you can copy/paste each round of combat. Bobble should be familiar with the concept from playing Denrie before. Here is an example; (this is NOT the final form)
This is the combat form I want everyone to use. Once you get used to it, it should make posting in combat easier and quicker because all the numbers you need are going to be on it. To start;
1- the form is located at the top of your character sheet, please put in all your appropriate stats
2- when combat starts, copy from your character sheet to your 1st combat post and edit your numbers for buff spells or other situational modifiers for your current situation if necessary.
During Combat;
1- open/edit/quote your previous rounds post and copy this form, then close.
2- open your reply for next round and paste the form
3- edit the form for what happened and what you want to do
4- post
Start with descriptions of what your character is doing and saying. Then in game terms fill in the following, include dice rolls;
Standard Action :
Move Action :
Swift Action :
Free Action :
HP: 69/69 | AC/TH/FF: 24/19/16 (DR 5/piercing) | CMB/CMD : +10/26 (+4 vs. Disarm; +2 Grapple) | Saves: F/R/W +7/13/9 (+2 vs Poison)
(De)Buffs : Mage Armor (1 hour), Longstrider (1 hour), Beastspeak (70 min), Resinous Skin (70 min), Cat's Grace (7 Minute)
Abilities : Fire Bolt 5/5, Harsh judgment, Wild shape, Bane 3/3
Wands : Wand of Lesser Restoration 45 ch
Medallion : False Life 1/1
L0 Spells DC12 : Detect Magic, Light, Resistance, Stabilize
L1 Spells DC13 : Burning Hands, Cure Light Wound, Mudball, Snowball, Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, pearl
L2 Spells DC14 : Beastspeak, Produce Flame, Resist Energy, Burst of Radiance, Cat's Grace
L3 Spells DC15 : Resinous Skin, Spit Venom
L4 Spells DC16 : Air Walk
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:47, Sun 12 Apr 2020.