IC: 5e spelljammer
I'm feeling the urge to DM again, and I was thinking peljammer,. but the issue is always how to arrange a ship for the party.
1: Hire them to work for someoen else, such as the Mercane (or others, depending). Provide a ship, and tell them what to do and where to go. That removes a bit of free will, and has been an issue a time or two before. It also limits certain class and race types ased on the needs and limits of the emploter, such as the Chr=urch of Celestian funding pirate hunters.
2: Shipwreck: this allows for almost any character type, but it starts as a survival game, and that's iffy on an asteroid. Cobbling together a raft to find civilization has killed a game or two before making it off the asteroid.
3: My current idea is a small village and a but of apprentices finding a barely function derelict. This limits race in large part because your village needs a sufficiently large population of each race represented to be able to breed further generations. Or even to have bred the current one. I can do this one if I limit things to humans, halflings, and the occaisonal half elf. But this one is the most open ended one, as you egt into space right away, albeit you may well be lost, and you can do whatever you want with no worries about paying for a ship. You can do some repairs your self, and hire out others a bit at a time. but you have to skip so many of the races (and space backgrounds) that people like the setting for.
First question: Is there enough in a spelljammer campaign to start one?
Second question: do any of the above 3 ideas work for anyone, and, if so, which one(s).