Checking on interest for a game utilizing Free League's
Lord of the Rings (5e) rules, set in Eariador in Middle Earth, starting roughly in 2970TA.
I have a handful of adventure ideas for the region. If...and this is a huge if...the game lasts into multiple stories...I have an overall campaign idea too.
As an alternate history, the handful of linked stories would be about an attempt to re-establish/rebuild the city of Annuminas. According to Tolkein's writings, Annuminas was rebuilt in the fourth age, and became the capitol of the reunited kingdom in the North.
This game, if it lasts, would aim to tell an alternate history of a group of heroic folk attempting that feat in the late third age.
I am emphatically *not* a Tolkien scholar. I have read the books. I own and have read gaming material from the One Ring 1e and from the aforementioned Lord of the Rings (5e) rpg. And that's it. This will not be a fun game for pedantic Tolkein scholars who insit Middle Earth and its history is presented exactly as Tolkien did.
I successfully ran a One Ring RPG (1st edition) Wilderlands campaign face to face. I have yet to run a successful play by post game - where successful is defined as completing at least one story/adventure.
I would like between 4 and 6 players. Likely, I would accept more in the beginning because my experience is play by post games tend to lose players early on.
I would want to aim for an
average of 4 to 6 in character posts a week. Some weeks might be a bit more, some weeks a bit less, for each player.
The game would start at 3rd level, and progress from there. The game would be open to characters from any of the cultures currently published by Free League.
No experience with Lord of the Rings (5e) RPG would be required. No experience with the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings books or movies is required. However, having either read those books or watched the movies would increase enjoyment of the game.