IC: Star Trek Adventures
I'm testing the waters to see if anyone would be interested in a Star Trek Adventures 2nd Ed game. I enjoy the Star Trek setting but I am not a Star Trek encyclopedia, not by a long shot. I'm also extremely drawn to the game mechanics of the 2nd ed and the whole "main PC/secondary PCs" thing. Multiple PCs lend themselves extremely well to PbP and take some of the creative load off from the GM, especially when it comes to RP between various characters.
If there's enough interest, I'd create a session 0 thread where we can all hash out the details as a group, although there are a few things I can already say right off the bat: it would be Starfleet-centered and Late 24th Century (probably Post-Dominion War Era). As for the format of the campaign itself, I think I'd suggest either something vaguely location-based (like the Shackleton Expanse Campaign) or the tried and true Five Year Mission (with a more episodic structure).
So, any takers?