The Sprawl/Apocalypse World

I've been running Cyberpunk RED games, including a 2077 themed game, and have also been toying with the idea of adapting the RED rules, or alternatively working from the Cyberpunk 2020 rules and adopting elements of RED, to run in the Night City 2020 and Cyberpunk 2020 setting more broadly.
On the side I have been looking into other systems that work at providing guides for cyberpunk settings, and one in particular that has struck me as interesting is The Sprawl, a Powered by the Apocalypse ruleset. In itself, it is really interesting, but I was wondering if it could be expanded beyond the Mission orientation to a broader life-struggle narrative, by adopting elements from Apocalypse World. Also, while the Sprawl appears to be pretty focused on urban and corporate missions, cyberpunk does incorporate badlands/nomad/rough environments, that it feels like Apocalypse World could bring into the mix.
I've actually even been toying with the concept that something like the Cyberpunk RED setting, where it is post-DataKrash and post-Fourth Corporate War, and things are more devastated, post-apocalyptic than Cyberpunk 2020 (although it was post-Collapse, but it didn't somehow feel quite drastic enough to call it post-apocalyptic?) - I've been toying with whether the "psychic maelstrom" in Apocalypse World could be treated as akin to the Old Net, with its chaos and dangerousness, rogue AIs, long-forgotten data, etc - and wondering if the "weird" aspect of Apocalypse World could be understood to be somehow this Old Net, vs the more New Net, corporate realm that Hackers/Infiltrators mostly find themselves operating in with their cyberdecks... I'm not quite sure how to make it fit, but anyway, just thought I'd throw my ideas out there and see if others are interested in these concepts, and had any advice or experience with these systems.