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20:18, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign.

Posted by ZParan0ia
member, 31 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 12:07
  • msg #1

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

I've been retooling an idea for a grand campaign setting I had for a Fallout game, and wanted to gauge potential interest for a test run on RPoL.  Currently, I'm at the tail-end of finishing out the rule set, with the next big steps being drafting the area hexmap, developing the hexes, and filling out encounter tables / weather tables / major sites.

Here are a few guiding design elements:
  • Simplified OSR-style rules, utilizing d10s for every roll (either 1d10 or 2d10).
  • Dangerous combat with high lethality inspired from Fallout 1 and Fallout 2
  • 'West Marches' hexcrawl game setup based on player-driven objectives
  • Allowance for a larger player pool, with multiple parties making excursions to different places in the wasteland at the same time
  • A wasteland that changes over time and is responsive to player actions

Would this interest anyone?  As I said, there's still a fair bit of work to be done, but if there's enough folks wanting to try it out here I'd be happy to open a game for it when it's ready.
member, 120 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 12:54
  • msg #2

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

I would be willing to try it out, but I'm a bit weary when "OSR" is attached to it. I do like playtesting and helping other designers, but I'd like to know more first; no offense, but if the entire system is "roll a die and see what happens, oh and these guns do X damage and you die when HP go to 0", it doesn't really interest me. Not saying your system is like that, but I've had some really negative experiences with rules systems that described themselves as "OSR".
member, 32 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 13:30
  • msg #3

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

I completely understand! It doesn't help that "OSR" seems to mean different things to different systems, so your trepidation makes complete sense.

For me, the "OSR" goal of the system design is simplification and streamlining, hence distilling everything to percentile rolls and trying to cut down on some of the crunch of the original games.  I'd like for players to have their characters made and be ready to play pretty quickly, and be very flexible and creative about what their skills can accomplish.  Whether or not I accomplish that is still up in the air, but that's the goal, at least!

That being said, it is designed to be high lethality combat.  That intention is not to be a cudgel against the players - no one would be having fun if a random die roll dropped two deathclaws into a party's path and wiped them out - but rather to make them think harder about approaching combat.  Can this conflict be resolved in another way?  If not, how can we use what skills and equipment we have to tilt the odds as much in our favor as we can?

I hope that clears it up a little more.  If it's still not your cup of tea, no worries! I appreciate your interest regardless. :)
member, 121 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 13:44
  • msg #4

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

That's so true, since I recently was told that apparently the R can be either Revival, or Renaissance, and actually these two subcultures (within a subculture within a niche hobby) are often fighting each other XD

Thank you for taking the time to explain! I do get it how for most people, streamlining and lethal combat often use OSR as a shorthand. Funnily, though, I know OSR people who would be in an uproar the moment "skills" are mentioned XD

Semantics aside, I would be quite interested actually to see the system and help out! And I don't mind lethal combat at all, I much prefer it when there's stakes and survival *is* one of them.
member, 185 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 14:56
  • msg #5

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

I am interested in a Fallout 'West Marches' style campaign.

However, Modiphius released a 2d20 Fallout book several years ago which may save you a fair bit of work.
member, 33 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 15:25
  • msg #6

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

Thanks for your interest! True, but my hope is that this system will be a little more light-weight that the Modiphius version. There's a tremendous amount of granularity in inventory management and survival management in that system.  It's appropriate considering the post-apocalyptic setting, but it also feels cumbersome to me. I'm hoping to retain some elements but simplify them so there's more focus on play and less focus on organizing seven different flavors of ammo and how much they each weigh, etc.
member, 2272 posts
BESM, Fate, Indies, PBTA
Wed 22 Jan 2025
at 16:02
  • msg #7

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

Thanks for your interest! True, but my hope is that this system will be a little more light-weight that the Modiphius version.

I'd be interested. d10s 'feel' more appropriate to the spirit of the base 10 SPECIAL and percentile skills. But even if you don't use percentile skills, I still like the feel of d10s.
member, 23 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2025
at 16:41
  • [deleted]
  • msg #8

IC - 2d10 Fallout System Grand Campaign

This message was deleted by the user at 14:01, Tue 28 Jan.
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