I've been retooling an idea for a grand campaign setting I had for a Fallout game, and wanted to gauge potential interest for a test run on RPoL. Currently, I'm at the tail-end of finishing out the rule set, with the next big steps being drafting the area hexmap, developing the hexes, and filling out encounter tables / weather tables / major sites.
Here are a few guiding design elements:
- Simplified OSR-style rules, utilizing d10s for every roll (either 1d10 or 2d10).
- Dangerous combat with high lethality inspired from Fallout 1 and Fallout 2
- 'West Marches' hexcrawl game setup based on player-driven objectives
- Allowance for a larger player pool, with multiple parties making excursions to different places in the wasteland at the same time
- A wasteland that changes over time and is responsive to player actions
Would this interest anyone? As I said, there's still a fair bit of work to be done, but if there's enough folks wanting to try it out here I'd be happy to open a game for it when it's ready.