Basically In Nomine is an RPG from Steve Jackson Games (very loosely based on a French original) where Earth is much like ours but behind the scenes is the centre of an ongoing Cold War between Heaven and Hell. Players are mostly 'Celestials' (angels or demons) though regular humans or even undead are also possible player characters. There also 'ethereals' which are dream spirits created by the human subconscious and include all the old pagan gods, now much reduced from a combination of loss of belief and an angelic crusade against them in the Middle Ages.
For the tone of the game think Kevin Smith's film Dogma, or Supernatural or Lucifer or Good Omens mixed in with espionage thrillers. I do fully understand that a game that touches on real life religious beliefs even (or especially) in a somewhat tongue in cheek and light hearted manner may be going into sensitive territory but I want to assure every one that I intend to handle this sensitively and tolerantly. This is not a game were you are going to be mocking anyone's faith, rather it is a game where you are going to be a badass angel kicking some demon all the way back to Hell (or alternatively some luckless demon scrabbling to please a literally Hellish boss...)
So any would be players interested? :)
member, 108 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 10:25
msg #2
Interest check: In Nomine?
Yes please! Which edition?
member, 413 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 10:46
msg #3
Interest check: In Nomine?
Is there much difference between the editions? I have the old 1997 black cover with a burning feather book and several of the supplements.
supporter, 41 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 11:13
msg #4
Interest check: In Nomine?
I am interested. I have GMed once and played a few times but all games died relatively early.
member, 110 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 12:28
msg #5
Interest check: In Nomine?
Sorry, now I see there were multiple French editions, but there is only one English.
member, 432 posts
Long time gamer
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 12:49
msg #6
Interest check: In Nomine?
I've never played this but the concept always looked interesting.
If I can get a pdf of the rules, I'd definitely be interested.
member, 415 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2025 at 13:16
msg #7
Interest check: In Nomine?
I am interested. I have GMed once and played a few times but all games died relatively early.
Sorry, now I see there were multiple French editions, but there is only one English.
Ah, okay I understand.
I've never read the French original but from what I've heard the English language game is very different beyond the same broad concept. Are you more familiar with the French game?
I've never played this but the concept always looked interesting.
If I can get a pdf of the rules, I'd definitely be interested.
Do you envision solo threads, group threads, or some combination?
Is player mastery of game mechanics required, or is it possible for players to treat the game mechanics details as a black box while the GM deals with such details behind the screen?
member, 416 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2025 at 10:55
msg #9
Interest check: In Nomine?
I have heard of it, but haven't played it.
Do you envision solo threads, group threads, or some combination?
Is player mastery of game mechanics required, or is it possible for players to treat the game mechanics details as a black box while the GM deals with such details behind the screen?
Most likely a combination of group and solo threads though it is very difficult to say without knowing the party composition beforehand.
Ideally I'd prefer players to know the rules and be deciding and rolling for themselves.
member, 108 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2025 at 17:45
msg #10
Interest check: In Nomine?
I'd be interested. I love In Nomine, though the specifics of the campaign (Angel, Demon, mixed, as well as the tone - silly, deadly serious, a mix, etc.) will affect my interest in any particular run.
member, 417 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2025 at 18:14
msg #11
Interest check: In Nomine?
So the game will be set in a fictional Southern Californian small city based on the real life Santa Barbara (and also on Sunnydale from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a series I loved and that will probably be a significant influence on tone.)
I understand that we can't go into specific character creation types but right now I am leaning towards an angelic or perhaps mixed campaign. However if there is a lot of interest for a demon or human focused (as in every character is human) campaign I'd be willing to consider it. :-)
member, 109 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2025 at 19:59
msg #12
Interest check: In Nomine?
I'd be interested in an Angelic campaign that has a Buffy like influence :-)
member, 418 posts
Sun 2 Feb 2025 at 14:53
msg #13
Interest check: In Nomine?
Okay well the interest is obviously here. I've set up a game thread: link to another game
I'll be recruiting between four and six players. :-)