IC: Age of Ashes, PF2 adventure path.
Hello, I used to GM campaigns in this site time ago but had to leave due to personal reasons. I have GM experience with AD&D first and second edition, D&D third edition, PF1 and D&D 5e. I have also GMed Palladium's Heroes Unlimited and Marvel Superheroes from TSR.
I want to give a try to PF2 but I have zero experience as GM or player. I have the motivation and the desire to learn and make a great campaign.
I offer to do my best to GM the campaign straight from the AP books same than doing my homework and read the core books but I need players willing to give me some guidance and answering questions when required.
If you think you could contribute to build a great campaign, leave a message, if enough interest is showed I will open the game.
Thanks for reading.