Long running, multi-gamemaster, large population, dynamic home brewed world campagin.
Campaign is a low-level campaign (first level, with an option to fast track to second level), that takes place in a homebrewed world with several house rules to accomodate low level adventuring. Several 'breaking' rules are not in use, most notably Class pets (Animal Companions/Eidolons) are not in use.
Campaign is dynamic. It's long lasting because it adapts and grows based on the game masters and players we have on hand.
Campaign has multiple gamemasters, each game masters pursues a adventure/plot of their design in a shared campaign world. In the unfortunate event that the gamemaster can no longer continue, another game master will wrap up the adventure to some sort of conclusion and the characters are released to join a different adventure.
Campaign has a notable player population. There is a non-combat sandbox, for players to mingle and roleplay out of the context of the adventure. Between chapters, some parties desolve as adventures terminate, and new ones form to go on upcoming adventures.
Pros - Campaign is enduring and stable. The dynamic nature of the campaign allows for game master and player attrition so that characters actually develop and grow over time. Characters have gone from level zero to level four in the course of this campaign. The world is new and different, and if you like experimenting with settings you might find it interesting. The large cast of players leaves you alot of room to pick and choose who you want to role play with in the sandbox for character development, and the no nonsense adventures provides solid experience to move the character forward in growth.
Cons - Some players do not like the voltile nature of the camapaign, prefering a traditional party format. If youre one of them this is not for you. If youre looking for a high level epic high fantasy campaign on the Pathfinder world, this is not for you. If youre looking to play the new tweaked power character, this is probably not for you.
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