Re: Questions
Communication between worlds will operate much the same way as communication between distant lands in medieval times - couriers and heralds will have to deliver messages manually to their destinations. This can take anywhere from 5 days (for example, a fast ship can travel from Cadiz to Malignatius within 5 days with optimum conditions) to several weeks or even months, depending on how many jumps away the destination is and whether or not the courier is able to jump back through the gate without first journeying to a system's planet to change ships or acquire the next jumpkey.
Generally, professional couriers within the Charioteers guild are able to gain passage through multiple systems without having to travel back and forth between each system's planet and jumpgate, meaning they may only have to make two trips - one to the first system's jumpgate and one to the destination system's planet. But of course, this service is very expensive and not everyone can afford such expediency.
Some worlds are closer to their systems' jumpgates than others, meaning ships can make trips between them more quickly. Some examples of systems whose jumpgates are very close to their capitol planets are:
Malignatius (a little over 2 days travel to the jumpgate with a fast ship)
Midian (a little over 2 days)
Cadiz (just under 2 and a half days)
Vera Cruz (just over 2 and a half days)
Byzantium Secundus (just under 3 days)
Kish (3 days)
Istakhr (just over 3 days)
Cadavus (just over 3 days)
Delphi (a little over 3 days)