Re: Green Room 2 (OOC)
In reply to Alexis Taylor (msg # 279):
Yeah, same here. I wrote a poem recently, or rather, i plagerized one; was going to post it ...but i forgot to log in and by the time i remembered to log in, i'd forgotten the poem. I hate when that happens. Damn, and i was in a particularly romantic mood at the time.
Agree again, 2013 was the pits for me also; it even came with a pendulum! However, unlike you, 2014 isn't offering any improvement.
Anyway, you will make a more concerted effort to pop in with increased frequency, won't you? I, for one, miss your charm. And your increased attendence might even jar my memory ...and plageristic quill. But no promises.
Meanwhile, welcome back, thanks for stopping by, and....
....wait --did you say, ENGAGED!??