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18:32, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Games Plugs.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 96 posts
Your new friend
Wed 18 May 2005
at 20:24
  • msg #1

Games Plugs

I've seen this used effectively in other games.  If you have or know of vacancies in games and wish to advertise for players from this game.  Feel free to post a link and description here.
Felicia Florette
player, 103 posts
A mage off to see
the world!
Wed 18 May 2005
at 20:39
  • msg #2

Re: Games Plugs

Well, I can always use another noble knight that likes to post regularly, (at least 3 times a week) in my Legends of Excalibur Game.  It's set in classic shining armour setting and uses the 3.5 edition rules.  Under medieval fantasy if you're interested.  I can help make you a character, some of the classic classes have been replaced.  There are 11 kinds of knights in the prestige classes!
Vestan Pance
player, 105 posts
I'm a fierce hobbit me!
Thu 19 May 2005
at 17:38
  • msg #3

Re: Games Plugs

I'm currently looking for characters too. Mainly to replace lost players.

The characters up for grabs are the following:-

There are a couple of others which have been currently demoted to spear carriers and arrow fodder at the moment which I could replace entirely.

I also have another character who is pretty important whose player is in the US Armed Forces and is unable to play for a few months, so would need some-one to take over for the short-medium term. Ask me for details for that one.

The game is 2nd ed AD&D based, rules and dice rolling kept well in the background.

link to "The Isles Of Prydein - The Ten"

Have a shufty and let me know if it's up your street.
Felicia Florette
player, 116 posts
A mage off to see
the world!
Fri 15 Jul 2005
at 15:57
  • msg #4

Re: Games Plugs

 I'm looking for a player to take over a noble knight.  He's 6th level, a Templar type with some nice toys and brave demeanor.  The land of Camelot has lots of Dragons, Trolls, Giants, and black knights to overcome so if you've ever wanted to play a classic knight, here's your chance. :)
Vestan Pance
player, 166 posts
I'm a fierce hobbit me!
Mon 2 Jan 2006
at 11:28
  • msg #5

Re: Games Plugs

I'm recruiting again. It's getting seriously difficult to recruit for 2nd ed in the Player's wanted, I get loads of interest in the game but as soon as they realise the system the interest wanes.

so if youlot here know of any "old timers" who might fancy joining a long running campaign world.....

I'm especially interested in people possibly playing aquatic style races or pirate/reaver types for a marine based Warband.


Felicia Florette
player, 199 posts
A mage off to see
the world!
Sun 11 Jun 2006
at 21:16
  • msg #7

Re: Games Plugs

Need of a replacement minstrel in my Legends of Excalibur Game.  Sort of a cross between a druid and a bard, the minstrel is 8th level and is travelling as part of a group of knights and the like.  Please pvt message me for more details. :)
Markus Sielaff
player, 12 posts
Fri 16 Feb 2007
at 15:13
  • msg #9

Re: Games Plugs

I am starting up a 1st Edition Ad&d game based on the 'Ruins of Adventure' module (very early Forgotten Realms).  The module itself is inspired by the old SSI computer game Pool of Radiance.  I have a couple of Fighters right now in the party so there is room if anyone is interested.

link to "OADnD: Ruins of Adventure"
Markus Sielaff
player, 26 posts
Fri 16 Mar 2007
at 13:35
  • msg #10

Re: Games Plugs

If anyone is interested in an Original D&D Rules Cyclopedia game, I am starting one up:

link to "ODnD (RC) Adventures"

I plan to base the campaign on modules and will be starting with Quest for the Silver Sword.
GM, 598 posts
Your old friend
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 20:31
  • msg #11

Re: Games Plugs

It's not very often you get to plug your own games....

I am resurrecting a game I used to play in.  The three players that RPed the baddies in Lolth Revenge are original player from this game and I thought I owed them...

link to "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5)"

Note that it is D&D 3.5.... Which eliminates a few potential players already...

This game was established and had been running for over two years. You do not need to read all the threads in the old game as a summary has been added with most of the salient common knowledge.

This game and the one I am advertising are completely separate with one or two obscure exceptions. So don't expect major revelations of thing to come in the ToEE game.

Posting rate is twice a week with the DM taking the weekend off and public holidays.

If you are still interested then RTJ reminding me which character you are here and we can take it from there.....

If you want to lurk and admire my megre talents you would be very welcome too.

Update: we have five RTJs! so I'm closing this down for now.  As before Lurkers are welcome....
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:59, Tue 23 Oct 2007.
GM, 634 posts
Your old friend
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 02:14
  • msg #12

Re: Games Plugs

Chris, he of Vestan Pants fame is recruiting for his 2nd Ed game:

link to "The Isles Of Prydein - The Ten"

I only mention it because I play there and it is a great campaign.....
player, 39 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 03:57
  • msg #13

Re: Games Plugs

Heh. It is a pretty good game, it's comprehensive and he's committed to it.

I play Damion, who are you?
GM, 635 posts
Your old friend
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 18:21
  • msg #14

Re: Games Plugs

Lufka the spoiled brat....
Tindoome Uurraumo
player, 195 posts
The Art is a wonderful
thing and most deadly
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 18:56
  • msg #15

Re: Games Plugs

Oh I play in that to, Agarwaen Ithil'sila the gypsy
player, 124 posts
Ugly inside
Ugly outside
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 00:52
  • msg #16

Re: Games Plugs

Hi I play in that game to as Artemis Antilles.
GM, 738 posts
Your old friend
Thu 15 May 2008
at 03:27
  • msg #17

Re: Games Plugs

Hi team my other game has lost one player, possibly more and I'm trying to inject a bit of life into it.  I currently have a dwarven trap expert and a half elf ranger/magic user up for adoption.  I could possibly pull in new character though that would take a bit of working in.

link to "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5)"

Note that it is D&D 3.5.... Which eliminates a few potential players already...

This game and the one I am advertising are completely separate with one or two obscure exceptions. So don't expect major revelations of thing to come in the ToEE game.

Posting rate is remarkably similar to this one.

If you are still interested then RTJ reminding me which character you are here and we can take it from there.....
GM, 789 posts
Your old friend
Wed 3 Sep 2008
at 23:09
  • msg #19

Re: Games Plugs

Hi team my other game has lost two players:

Kekenan: Wee Jas follower

Kekenan Deluneas is a tall female warrior; she wares dark colors and an equally somber attitude. Most would describe her as grim and strong headed, although she has her own sort of gravity. Perhaps it is her goddess’s power or her own steely looks but most would not call her a classic beauty.

She has the symbol of Wee Jas on several places of her armor, as a huge painting on her tower shield as well as the hilt of her bastard sword. Standing an impressive 6’2” warring full plate and a sword most would chose to wield in two hands she makes for an impressive figure on any field of battle.

Edric: Fanatic of Kord

Edric is a tall and powerful man, though not overly so. It is obvious he has worked with his hands, which are hard and leathery. He has a quite common face,
easy to forget except for the light in his eyes. He is a man with a faith, with a cause and is serious about it, though he often smiles and laughs and boasts.He is half part showman and half part fanatic.

He wears a breastplate and has two swords at his belt.

link to "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5)"

Note that it is D&D 3.5.... Which eliminates a few potential players already...

This game and the one I am advertising are completely separate with one or two obscure exceptions. So don't expect major revelations of thing to come in the ToEE game.

Posting rate has been slow but I hope to pick it up.

If you are still interested then RTJ reminding me which character you are here and we can take it from there.....
GM, 910 posts
Your old friend
Wed 13 May 2009
at 18:37
  • msg #20

Re: Games Plugs

Hi Team, don't know if anyone is interested but there is a new Call of Cthulhu Delta Green game starting. I have played in a few games the GM Asmodeus has run and he is very good, which is why I am recommending it. Anyone interested should mention that Airman Cambell recommended them in their RTJ and they will get automatic acceptance!!

link to another game
GM the Third
GM, 1413 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2016
at 07:00
  • msg #22

Re: Games Plugs

If there's anyone interested in 4th ed Gurps, I recommend you check this out. I'm playing Thorrarlun, a Dwarf ripped out of time and hurled 1,000 years into his future (basically the current day for everyone else). Having loads of fun so far.
link to another game
GM the Third
GM, 1458 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2016
at 04:13
  • msg #23

Re: Games Plugs

Anyone interesting in the orient? Want to play a Samurai, Wu Jen, Yakuza, or the mythical Ninja?
Head over to link to another game and check it out.
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