Hi team my other game has lost two players:
Kekenan: Wee Jas follower
Kekenan Deluneas is a tall female warrior; she wares dark colors and an equally somber attitude. Most would describe her as grim and strong headed, although she has her own sort of gravity. Perhaps it is her goddess’s power or her own steely looks but most would not call her a classic beauty.
She has the symbol of Wee Jas on several places of her armor, as a huge painting on her tower shield as well as the hilt of her bastard sword. Standing an impressive 6’2” warring full plate and a sword most would chose to wield in two hands she makes for an impressive figure on any field of battle.
Edric: Fanatic of Kord
Edric is a tall and powerful man, though not overly so. It is obvious he has worked with his hands, which are hard and leathery. He has a quite common face,
easy to forget except for the light in his eyes. He is a man with a faith, with a cause and is serious about it, though he often smiles and laughs and boasts.He is half part showman and half part fanatic.
He wears a breastplate and has two swords at his belt.
link to "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5)"
Note that it is D&D 3.5.... Which eliminates a few potential players already...
This game and the one I am advertising are completely separate with one or two obscure exceptions. So don't expect major revelations of thing to come in the ToEE game.
Posting rate has been slow but I hope to pick it up.
If you are still interested then RTJ reminding me which character you are here and we can take it from there.....