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19:30, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Hommlet Status.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 251 posts
Your nearly new friend
Tue 18 Jul 2006
at 23:25
  • msg #1

Hommlet Status

This thread monitors the status of the village and attitude towards the party in several related ways.

1. Number of villagers killed by the forces of evil  (this is not good news)

2. Number of villagers missing (Also bad news)

3. Village morale on a scale of 0-100

80-100: Everyone is happy as Larry, people are queuing up to buy property
60-80:  Normal range for a village in times of prosperity and peace
40-60:  Normal range for a village in troubled times
20-40:  Poor morale, people moan and look for scapegoats to blame their sorrows on
0-20 :  Bad morale, villagers start leaving for pastures new
-ve  :  Village abandoned

4. Party reputation on a scale of -50 to +50


+50 is hero worship, All the single adults in the village want to have your, or help you have babies

0 is normal

-50 is pariah status, the militia attack on sight (This is definitely bad)

5. Party fatalities: Not necessarily a bad thing, sacrifices for the common good   may boost reputation. Serious defeats will however affect village morale.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Mon 01 Oct 2007.
GM, 252 posts
Your nearly new friend
Tue 18 Jul 2006
at 23:26
  • msg #2

Start of the game

Villager deaths to date: 0

Missing: 0

Village Morale: previous n/a current 60 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous n/a current 0 (on scale of -50 to +50)
GM, 253 posts
Your nearly new friend
Tue 18 Jul 2006
at 23:27
  • msg #3

first visit to moathouse

Villager deaths to date: 0

Missing: 0

Village Morale: previous 60 current 50 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous 0 current +10 (on scale of -50 to +50)
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:29, Tue 18 July 2006.
GM, 254 posts
Your nearly new friend
Tue 18 Jul 2006
at 23:27
  • msg #4

Second visit to moathouse

Villager deaths to date: 5

Missing: 0

Village Morale: previous 50 current 35 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous +10 current -10 (on scale of -50 to +50)
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:30, Tue 18 July 2006.
GM, 255 posts
Your nearly new friend
Tue 18 Jul 2006
at 23:29
  • msg #5

Fire and kidnapping

Villager deaths to date: 6

Missing: 2

Village Morale: previous 35 current 30 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous -10 current -15 (on scale of -50 to +50)
GM, 303 posts
Your nearly new friend
Wed 29 Nov 2006
at 23:48
  • msg #6

Rescue and prisoners

Villager deaths to date: 6

Missing: 0

Rescued: 2

Prisoners: 1

Village Morale: previous 30 current 40 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous -15 current -10 (on scale of -50 to +50)
GM, 569 posts
Your old friend
Mon 1 Oct 2007
at 23:24
  • msg #7

Lareth's Death

Villager deaths to date: 6

Missing: 0

Party deaths to date: 1

Village Morale: previous 40 current 45 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous -10 current -5 (on scale of -50 to +50)
GM, 835 posts
Your old friend
Wed 17 Dec 2008
at 01:52
  • msg #8

moathouse clean-out

Villager deaths to date: 6

Missing: 0

Rescued: 1 ( by Rolf)

Party deaths to date: 1

Village Morale: previous 45 current 55 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous -5 current +15 (on scale of -50 to +50)
GM the Third
GM, 1132 posts
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 13:07
  • msg #9

First foray into the temple

Villager deaths to date: 6

Missing: 0

Rescued: 5 (+ a large number of non-Hommlet residents)

Prisoners: 6 + 1 zombie

Party deaths to date: 3

Treasure recovered: 171,000+ gp in goods, coins, jewellery and magic

Village Morale: previous 55 current 65 (on scale of 1-100)

Party reputation: previous +15 current +30 (on scale of -50 to +50)
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