This game has a
Mature Rating
The game is currently full. Feel free to lurk around, RTJ if you are interested in future places.
This game is well established and has been running since 2004. It has a great mix of players.
The emphasis is on good role-playing so you do not need to know the 1st Ed rules as I will help in character creation etc.
You should be aware that 1st ed is more restrictive than D&D 3.0 or 3.5 with no feats or skills, no multi-classing after character creation and no additional ability points with level increase.
There is a background thread which gives a flavour of the game so far and a character creation thread please read them before RTJing.
Background to game
House rules
Posting rate is twice a week, more being desirable to keep the game rolling along.
Note for 'retired' players, if you would like to rejoin the game please contact the DM by PM to explore options.
Note I prefer not to kill off characters, however if a player knowingly puts their character into danger, don't expect punches to be pulled. Also opponents have brains and will act intelligently (as applicable to what they are of course - a green slime isn't about to coordinate with other creatures.) Ambushes, traps, etc will be used against unwary PCs. Groups will use tactics and strategy to defeat their foes (ie, the PCs).
If you are still interested then RTJ and we can take it from there....
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:58, Tue 19 May 2015.