1. North Gate (High Gate)
2. Inner Bailey
3. Silver Lyre Inn
4. Bronze Unicorn Inn
5. Brass Rail Tavern
6. Inner Gate (Guard Gate)
7. Macor's Merchant House
8. Hilewy's Gnome Palace (comforts of home for Gnomes - expensive)
9. Rusty Nail Tavern
10. Jala's Armoury (independent)
11. Kile's Spice Store
12. General Stores
13. Spruce Goose (inn for the wealthy)
14. Maynard's Metal Emporium
15. Nichol's House of Silk
16. Barns (stalls for rent)
17. Bethan's Books (used/rare tomes, copies bought and sold, printer)
18. Zebel's Maroon Mon (inn)
19. Red Don Inn
20. Harvester's Inn (and forest)
21. Player's Inn (for entertainers)
22. Jamstav's Merchant House
23. Lester's House of Cards (gambling)
24. Molten Spigot (tavern)
25. House of Jimm (resident Gnome prince)
26. Shrine to Fharlanghn
27. Viscount's Outer Grounds
28. "Grayfist", castle of the Viscount
29. Segemm's Store of Collectables
30. Clotho's Clothes (all types, two floors)
31. Clotho's Cheese House
32. House of Haxx (noble family)
33. Bensar's Wax Works (wax specialities)
34. The Electrum Eel (inn for sailors/adventurers)
35. Hamstid's Stables and Horse Sales
36. Shrine to Istus
37. Barlonn's Stoneworks
38. Storage Binns
39. Grandma Henri's House of Rest
40. The Silver Consortium (mages, apothecaries, alchemists, scholars, et. al.)
41. Veera's Voluptuous Maidens (tavern)
42. Inner City Gate (Castle Gate)
43. Inner City Gate (North Gate)
44. Nib's Importers
45. Warehouses
46. Temple to St Cuthbert
47. Temple to Hieronius
48. Pond of the Hart (religious meeting area)
49. Ash Horn Stream
50. Southway Gate
51. Inner City Gate (South Gate)
52. Community House (political rallies, speeches, etc)
53. House for rent
54. Kabora's Jewel of the Velverdyva (inn)
55. Dieg Manor
56. Barracks (heavy horse regiment)
57. Barracks (medium archers)
58. Jylee's Inn (catering to the famous)
59. Barracks (heavy footmen and light footmen)
60. Packard's Trough (tavern catering to soldiers)