There are multiple types of combat
Yes, I understand tactics, and I'm familiar with 1st ed AD&D combat.
My problem was that I'm playing a halfling, not Tinkerbell. Normally halflings are bog-standard members of an adventuring party. They don't get overwhelming advantages, it's mostly a choice you make for flavor. I don't normally see them getting in-game problems because of their size.
But I don't mind mild idiosyncracies in campaigns; OK, I'll roll with it. I'm told that I can't be an archer because I'm so small. Fine, there's a wall I can put my back to, on the off-chance that the enemy enters our room I'll take a backstab. SOP for a thief character. Not likely I'll be of use, but hey, it gives me something to do that reflects my Class.
So, now the character I've just been told is too small, is conversely too big to fit in the available wall space, because there is
one PC on each side of the doorway already.
IMO, you can't have it both ways, and using one feature of my character as justification to make me ineffectual at
both ends of the spectrum is a pretty serious nerf.
Granted, I'm still new to this particular group, but if you want to penalize me for my small size, then it would be fair to be able to use that size in advantageous ways.