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19:20, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Posted by The AssistantFor group archive 0
GM the Third
GM, 794 posts
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 10:08
  • msg #931

Re: The boys light up

A post from Ronalt and Tindoome now and I think we're away on the next round. Should be interesting.
Haldan Tanner
player, 131 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 23:08
  • msg #932

Re: The boys light up

There are multiple types of combat

Yes, I understand tactics, and I'm familiar with 1st ed AD&D combat.

My problem was that I'm playing a halfling, not Tinkerbell. Normally halflings are bog-standard members of an adventuring party. They don't get overwhelming advantages, it's mostly a choice you make for flavor. I don't normally see them getting in-game problems because of their size.

But I don't mind mild idiosyncracies in campaigns; OK, I'll roll with it. I'm told that I can't be an archer because I'm so small. Fine, there's a wall I can put my back to, on the off-chance that the enemy enters our room I'll take a backstab. SOP for a thief character. Not likely I'll be of use, but hey, it gives me something to do that reflects my Class.

So, now the character I've just been told is too small, is conversely too big to fit in the available wall space, because there is one PC on each side of the doorway already.

IMO, you can't have it both ways, and using one feature of my character as justification to make me ineffectual at both ends of the spectrum is a pretty serious nerf.

Granted, I'm still new to this particular group, but if you want to penalize me for my small size, then it would be fair to be able to use that size in advantageous ways.
Player, 41 posts
Female Elf
Mage L4, AC8, HP17
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 23:48
  • msg #933

Re: The boys light up

In reply to Haldan Tanner (msg # 932):

You make valid points.

Don't let the big folk get you down, think like a dwarf with a happy disposition. ;-)

It's all criticism until you do something, do something worthwhile.

Similar to me, a magic-user with no spells, just possessing baubles that have magic... make things happen as best you can.

And yes, a group this size takes time to bond, I'm looking forward to that my short quiet friend.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:49, Wed 24 Sept 2014.
GM the Third
GM, 795 posts
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 08:40
  • msg #934

Re: The boys light up

Haldan Tanner:
So, now the character I've just been told is too small, is conversely too big to fit in the available wall space, because there is one PC on each side of the doorway already.

No, not at all. There is space up there if you really want to give it a go, but be aware that it's probably best if only one character drops down to attack at a time to avoid getting in each others way.
Probably a good idea actually to have a second backstabbing attack all ready to go - they might expect on, but two?
Getting up shouldn't be too hard either if Gwythe is willing to put himself out of position briefly and/or give a leg up.
Of course once up, being able to attack relies on the front rank retreating and the enemy following.
Haldan Tanner
player, 132 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 18:32
  • msg #935

Re: The boys light up

In reply to GM the Third (msg # 934):

Thanks, I appreciate your flexibility.

But I don't have any desire to go 'up.' As in, the dwarf is hanging from the ceiling by his fingertips a la Fineous Fingers.

If we have a section of wall with a door in it, with blank wall on either side, and there are already two PCs with their backs to it on either side of the door, waiting for a backstab, my thought was that there'd be plenty of room for a little hobbit to also put his back to the wall.

I was just at a party this past weekend, playing hide and seek with the kids. I 'hid' just inside a doorway, my back to the wall. I'm a reasonably full-sized person, but I only needed about two feet of wall space (which was all there was, the door was set way over to one side in its wall. So, my thought is there should be room for my hobbit to sidle up alongside another PC. The idea is simply to be out of direct sight of a preoccupied opponent as they pass through the doorway.


    X  X
____    ____
h PC    PC

X = bad guys
h = hobbit
PC = other PC's hiding this side of the wall.

It's a matter of gaming style. Hopefully we'll be on the same wavelength after some time. But at the moment I'm floundering, not in congruence with how I'm supposed to participate.
GM the Third
GM, 796 posts
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 22:45
  • msg #936

Re: The boys light up

I think we can do that. :)
GM the Third
GM, 798 posts
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 12:59
  • msg #937

Re: The boys light up

Well that round was a bit of a whitewash at one end, and more or less a stalemate at the other.
Ronalt & Luthien couldn't make any headway due to slower initiative (although the grapple/overbear option is still on the table if they're suicidal keen).
At least that nasty axeman is down!!! He was really taking Ronalt apart there for a while!
GM the Third
GM, 799 posts
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 23:52
  • msg #938

Re: The boys light up

She muttered a word and ignited her sword, stepping forwards to cause the webs to burn.

What, burning them once wasn't enough for you!? :o

Bloody pyros!
GM the Third
GM, 800 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 01:03
  • msg #939

Re: The boys light up

If you're not immediately in contact with the enemy, and don't intend to do anything in the coming round, let me know as soon as possible so I can get the next update done.
I've a feeling that a rest period will be coming up shortly and it would be nice to have everyone up and functioning at peak ability soon (must be rather frustrating for spellcasters like Celonor at the moment!).
GM the Third
GM, 801 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 02:47
  • msg #940

Re: The boys light up

Ronalt de Gault:
Bleeding from too many wounds, Ronalt steps forward over the fallen axeman and slashes hard at the nearby longswordsman, determined to make a gap for his waiting companions.

Ronalt de Gault rolled 9 using 1d10.

With an initiative roll that slow, not likely to happen... :(
Ronalt de Gault
player, 760 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 03:03
  • msg #941

Re: The boys light up

I can dream of bad initiatives from the enemy.
player, 558 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 05:04
  • msg #942

Re: The boys light up

Gwythe is still waiting beside the door. If Ronalt falls and no one else steps in, he'll do so.
GM the Third
GM, 802 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 05:42
  • msg #943

Re: The boys light up

You might be fighting Sven for that slot! ;)
player, 559 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 07:22
  • msg #944

Re: The boys light up

definitely let him go first :)
Haldan Tanner
player, 134 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 23:03
  • msg #945

Re: The boys light up

Just waiting. Haldan holds position unless (1) his side all of a sudden goes rushing in, in which case he follows; or (2) his side retreats/dies like dogs, and the enemy come pouring in past him, in which case he backstabs.
Player, 42 posts
Female Elf
Mage L4, AC8, HP17
Tue 30 Sep 2014
at 00:17
  • msg #946

Re: The boys light up

GM the Third:
If you're not immediately in contact with the enemy, and don't intend to do anything in the coming round, let me know as soon as possible so I can get the next update done.
I've a feeling that a rest period will be coming up shortly and it would be nice to have everyone up and functioning at peak ability soon (must be rather frustrating for spellcasters like Celonor at the moment!).

When the Dm says, "We need to be at our peak...well, it makes me nervous."
GM the Third
GM, 803 posts
Tue 30 Sep 2014
at 04:17
  • msg #947

Re: The boys light up

Well, I didn't exactly say "need"...
Not exactly.... ;)
Ronalt de Gault
player, 761 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 04:44
  • msg #948

Re: The boys light up

it is awfully quiet...
Sven Arnoff
player, 218 posts
Walking death
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 04:57
  • msg #949

Re: The boys light up

... just you, me and the tumbleweed...
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 91 posts
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 07:05
  • msg #950

Re: The boys light up

yes it is quiet..too quiet.
GM the Third
GM, 804 posts
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 08:42
  • msg #951

Re: The boys light up

Oh my, what a busy weekend!
Update in the next couple of hours.
GM the Third
GM, 806 posts
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 10:30
  • msg #952

Re: The boys light up

At last! Breakthrough!
But at what cost?
player, 101 posts
Deranged madman?
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 12:03
  • msg #953

Re: The boys light up

This is NOT going to plan.
Player, 649 posts
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 21:00
  • msg #954

Re: The boys light up

There's a plan????

By the way: Could I request a new OOC post, this one is reaching that 1000 thread limit at which point Cinderella turns into a pumpkin or something.
GM the Third
GM, 807 posts
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 01:56
  • msg #955

Re: The boys light up

No, you may not request such a thing!
Gee, the gall of some people, actually ASKING for things! :o
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