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18:49, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Posted by GM the ThirdFor group archive public
GM the Third
GM, 486 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 06:20
  • msg #1


Moving through the door, the three find themselves in a short passageway with another door at the end. With a glance over your shoulders, and a little encouraging wave from the troll (who's remaining in their own room) the far door is opened.

Something has taken considerable pains to decorate this 20 by 20 disused storeroom. The walls are covered with a plastering of excrement and bones, to form both patterns and shelf-like bone ledges. Skulls leer from these shelves — human, humanoid, dwarven, and various sorts of other creatures as well. The floor is a conglomerate of bones and ordure. A large armchair and crude table of sorts, each fashioned from bones, stand in the northwest corner. In the southwest corner is another door, almost diagonally across from the one you enter. In the southeast corner is a heap of torn cloth, leather scraps, bits of tapestries, and pieces of rugs.
Suddenly the pile moves, and something rises — a huge troll!
Brother Yew
player, 387 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 12:19
  • msg #2

Re: Oohlgrist

Brother Yew bows formally toward the troll, then rises again to address him directly.

"Oohlgrist?" he asks. "Do you speak the common tongue of humans? [Language unknown: E ntifororerat u ere ess meiturasto dayar P een ourthuundous re ncederset vorwheess cefo.]"
NPC, 1 post
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 12:36
  • msg #3

Re: Oohlgrist

Now the huge troll was standing it was clear just how powerfully built they were. As if that weren't enough, it's tough hide was covered in bones all sewn together to make a ghastly but effective armoured coat.
[Language unknown: "Ti houwhewhe n. Wiove erma k lone der ai OFCA!"]
Brother Yew
player, 388 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 14:18
  • msg #4

Re: Oohlgrist

Yew shook his head.

"I am sorry, I do not know that language. Let us try some others, unless Kalador or Gwythe understands that one?. [Language unknown: Un eve ortnceill Oventeear?] [Language unknown: N lero mocano mo ngomtaro lo yin Ekar?] [Language unknown: M atera somonskor Tieiwi?] [Language unknown: Fi enc Venareenc catrte allnterom tr he?] [Language unknown: Nondlo any asusec pr Romivetedvir reaeenthi dinforman?] [Language unknown: Anyndeast m prorutblewil ulmina ith ivlaenic wherutwhe?] [Language unknown: Isenfo any prentiund, Witoersamo ma sstr er ainmenven itatme M peom.]"
player, 498 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 19:23
  • msg #5

Re: Oohlgrist

Gwythe is somewhat startled at the sudden appearance and size of the troll, and takes a step back before catching himself. He listens to Yew's attempts to converse with the creature without showing any signs of understanding, his hand hovering near his blade.
player, 582 posts
Ugly inside
Ugly outside
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 23:02
  • msg #6

Re: Oohlgrist

Kalador stood looking at the troll. Its armor coat was interesting. He said, "If it speaks Orc, I can translate."
NPC, 2 posts
You food. Me hungry.
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 03:03
  • msg #7

Re: Oohlgrist

Oohlgrist rubbed his bloated belly and pointed at Kalador.
[Language unknown: "N MI ckosme. Se one nttoai llllwe!"]
Brother Yew
player, 389 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 08:08
  • msg #8

Re: Oohlgrist

"We need that other troll to translate for us," Yew decided.

He tried to convey this to Oohlgrist by a short series of gestures - pointing down the corridor they had come from, then holding a hand high above his head to indicate someone much taller, then opening his mouth as if speaking. He tapped his own chest, pointed down the corridor again and made a beckoning sign.

"Wait here," he told Kalador and Gwythe as he quickly strode back to the doorway to fetch the other troll. "If you have any food or anything else to offer Oohlgrist it might help."
NPC, 3 posts
You food. Me hungry.
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 09:47
  • msg #9

Re: Oohlgrist

[Language unknown: "M! Ere OSNDE!!!"] they declared angrily, moving to block Yew.

OOC: Oops! Posted the speech as "secret" instead of "language". :/
This message was last edited by the player at 09:13, Wed 01 Jan 2014.
Brother Yew
player, 390 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 13:47
  • msg #10

Re: Oohlgrist

Yew stopped and confronted the enormous ogre. He held up the eight-pointed fire symbol authoritatively, then tapped his own chest and pointed back down the corridor again. He raised his hand high above his head again, then pretended to beckon that tall person to follow him back again then mimed taking to that tall person and the tall person talking to Oohlgrist.

Despite the futility of it he added a verbal explanation as well.

"I go get other troll. I bring him here so he can tell you what I say."
player, 584 posts
Ugly inside
Ugly outside
Wed 1 Jan 2014
at 02:54
  • msg #11

Re: Oohlgrist

When Oohlgrist made his  threatening move towards Yew, Kalador put his hand on the hilt of his sword.[Private to group Thieves' Cant: Calm down. I can translate for you]
Kalador said, "Brother Yew he's speaking in thieves cant. I can translate for us. I thought this one would be cooperative, but I guess not."
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:52, Thu 02 Jan 2014.
NPC, 4 posts
You food. Me hungry.
Thu 2 Jan 2014
at 06:58
  • msg #12

Re: Oohlgrist

Oohlgrist ceased his threatening movement towards Yew (but still effectively blocked the door) and grinned, foul spittle spraying from between his yellowed teeth.
[Language unknown: "E yin set cewire, salene omestrfor?"]
Brother Yew
player, 392 posts
Half-elf monk
Thu 2 Jan 2014
at 14:28
  • msg #13

Re: Oohlgrist

Yew glanced sharply at Kalador then nodded.

"I am relieved that one of us is able to speak with him. Please tell him the fire priest Alrrem sent us to ask him to help us with some important tasks he wants us to do together. To weaken the Earth Temple and Water Temple and make the Fire Temple stronger. What reward does he want in return for assisting us?"
player, 586 posts
Ugly inside
Ugly outside
Wed 8 Jan 2014
at 05:17
  • msg #14

Re: Oohlgrist

Kalador replied, "He wants to eat me first. I think I'll deny him that." Looking at the troll he said, "
[Private to group Thieves' Cant: The fire priest Alrrem has sent us to ask your help with some important tasks. This will make the Earth and Water temples weaker and the Fire temple stronger. What reward would you want for helping us]?"
Brother Yew
player, 393 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 8 Jan 2014
at 12:08
  • msg #15

Re: Oohlgrist

"Good choice," Yew agreed. "Unless you are offering him one of us instead."

Said with an almost perfectly straight face. Almost.
player, 587 posts
Ugly inside
Ugly outside
Thu 9 Jan 2014
at 05:53
  • msg #16

Re: Oohlgrist

Kalador looked back with a raised eyebrow and a slight grin. He said, "You never know Brother Yew, I just might."
NPC, 5 posts
You food. Me hungry.
Thu 9 Jan 2014
at 12:22
  • msg #17

Re: Oohlgrist

Oohgrist paused in thought.
[Language unknown: "Ent ure sepe? Thithuvor os iou, tafina om ngare whwe. Ainresica lo panot, lise, eten ekers."]
He pointed in turn at a ring on the little finger of his left hand, his necklace of gold with four small rubies, and jewelled belt (silver with four nice emeralds).
This message was last edited by the player at 06:40, Sun 09 Mar 2014.
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