Moving through the door, the three find themselves in a short passageway with another door at the end. With a glance over your shoulders, and a little encouraging wave from the troll (who's remaining in their own room) the far door is opened.
Something has taken considerable pains to decorate this 20 by 20 disused storeroom. The walls are covered with a plastering of excrement and bones, to form both patterns and shelf-like bone ledges. Skulls leer from these shelves — human, humanoid, dwarven, and various sorts of other creatures as well. The floor is a conglomerate of bones and ordure. A large armchair and crude table of sorts, each fashioned from bones, stand in the northwest corner. In the southwest corner is another door, almost diagonally across from the one you enter. In the southeast corner is a heap of torn cloth, leather scraps, bits of tapestries, and pieces of rugs.
Suddenly the pile moves, and something rises — a huge troll!