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18:22, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The search for treasure.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group archive public
Sven Arnoff
player, 135 posts
Walking death
Mon 27 Jan 2014
at 12:07
  • msg #15

Re: The search for treasure

Raising a skeletal hand to the group Sven rasped; "Anyone ever hog-tied a duregar before?"

His following silence filled the room in expectation, only to be broken to expand on the idea: "Just find a pole & some rope and we're good to go. Long & sturdy enough pole and we can walk all four in a line & each have one hand free for guttin' beasties."
GM the Third
GM, 514 posts
Mon 27 Jan 2014
at 12:21
  • msg #16

Re: The search for treasure

The party members cast their minds over the various rooms they'd visited, mentally searching for a suitable pair of poles. The answer it seemed lay just a few dozen feet away in the form of various pole arms arrayed around the walls of the hall of armoured skeletons (far north east room on the map). Elation soon turned to disappointment though as each and every weapon was found to be rotted and decayed to the point of uselessness.

OOC: Nice idea that. Might even work if someone can come up with suitable materials.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:22, Mon 27 Jan 2014.
Brother Yew
player, 408 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 27 Jan 2014
at 16:05
  • msg #17

Re: The search for treasure

Yew offers his halberd if it is long enough to help. He is happy enough to fight without weapons if it comes to that.
Tindoome Uurraumo
Player, 690 posts
Magic User
Mon 27 Jan 2014
at 16:38
  • msg #18

Re: The search for treasure

"I have a pair of 10' Poles in my robe. Would they be suitable for the sort of litter you have in mind, Sven?"
Arek Blackiron
player, 749 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Tue 28 Jan 2014
at 03:32
  • msg #19

Re: The search for treasure

"Tha'd b' perfec'!" Arek exclaimed before cocking an eyebrow in puzzlement.
"Thou' ah don' know if'n thar stron' 'nough bein' collapsible an' all."
How else could she hide something so long under her robe when she herself was barely 4 feet in height?
Brother Yew
player, 409 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 12:28
  • msg #20

Re: The search for treasure

"Yes, Mistress Tindoome, please do produce these poles from your robe. I should like to see how it is done. I also have some rope in my backpack that we can use to secure the candelabras to the poles."

So saying, Yew immediately unpacked a coil of rope. His backpack was noticeably lighter after that.
Arek Blackiron
player, 750 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 12:50
  • msg #21

Re: The search for treasure

"Ah go' 'nother opshun i' yer wan'? Ah kin anima'e ah few o' tha dead bugbears an' tha 'uman tha 'ad tha flamin' sword ta carry t'is lot."
Brother Yew
player, 410 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 13:07
  • msg #22

Re: The search for treasure

Yew showed no sign of emotion at the suggestion but his voice was slightly sharper and more formal when he responded.

"Please, Master Arek, first let us see if we can manage without disturbing the dead,"
he suggested.
Arek Blackiron
player, 751 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 13:14
  • msg #23

Re: The search for treasure

"Yer t'ink those e'mentalist's 're gonna 'esitate a' makin' a few zombie's o' their dead?"
"Bett'r we do i' an' 'ave 'em workin' fer us than they do."

Tindoome Uurraumo
Player, 692 posts
Magic User
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 15:39
  • msg #24

Re: The search for treasure

Tindo's face scrunches up as she gags on Arek's suggestion. A moment later she clears her throat and says in a barely audible whisper, "I don't have a better suggestion. I fear we must do what we must."
Brother Yew
player, 411 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 16:17
  • msg #25

Re: The search for treasure

"I fear that no good shall come of such a course," Yew tried to explain. "Apart from the moral issues, which are not insignificant, have you considered that you would be parading those zombies through the same fire temple precinct where their former friends, or allies at least, would be watching? The same people that hold Prince Thromel hostage. Might it not provoke them to some act of vengeance against their hostage, or at least use the tale of our act as a weapon to turn him against us? What would a paladin like Thromel think of us if we use the dead in such a way?"
Ronalt de Gault
player, 674 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Wed 29 Jan 2014
at 19:10
  • msg #26

Re: The search for treasure

"I to am not comfortable with animating the dead."
"Let us carry this burden and see to this alliance. Unholy and wrong as it is."
Ronalt added. "The sooner I get a chance to ram my blade down that smug priest's throat the better."
"Stole me blade and gear after using that darn hold spell I hate so much."

Sven Arnoff
player, 136 posts
Walking death
Thu 30 Jan 2014
at 09:33
  • msg #27

Re: The search for treasure

Sven shrugged to Arek and spoke with an appropriately dead face and usual leaden tone. "Doesn't bother me either way. Dead is dead. So long as it's just you and I who think so, let's see how the poles go first."
A faint look of disappointment did cross his bleak features after speaking, but it was immediately swallowed by the horror of his usual mask.
He stepped forward to assist the group in rigging the treasure.
Arek Blackiron
player, 753 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Thu 30 Jan 2014
at 12:18
  • msg #28

Re: The search for treasure

"So, 'ow 'bout those poles then lass?"
Tindoome Uurraumo
Player, 694 posts
Magic User
Thu 30 Jan 2014
at 13:50
  • msg #29

Re: The search for treasure

Muttering an incantation under her breath Tindo draws two oblong patches off her robe. For a moment the limp fabric rests in her hands then it begins to writhe and grow. A moment later she holds in her hand two stout poles, each 10' in length.

Without further words, she offers them to the rest of the party.
Arek Blackiron
player, 754 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Thu 30 Jan 2014
at 22:59
  • msg #30

Re: The search for treasure

Arek moved cautiously over the Tindoome and totally ignored the poles. Finger outstretched he poked her shoulder experimentally.
"Wha' else yer go' in thar?"
Brother Yew
player, 412 posts
Half-elf monk
Fri 31 Jan 2014
at 12:49
  • msg #31

Re: The search for treasure

Yew takes the poles and turns to Sven.

"How do you wish them arranged?"
he asked him. "One candelabra tied to each pole, like a T shape to be carried by two people, or all tied together in a H shape to be carried by 4 people or more? Or were you thinking of some other arrangement?"
Sven Arnoff
player, 138 posts
Walking death
Sat 1 Feb 2014
at 00:07
  • msg #32

Re: The search for treasure

"Plan is," Sven replied, "Ivianna here and myself have one pole over each shoulder. We tie the candelabras to both poles in a vee shape, makes things nice and even. With luck we're tough enough to walk slowly by ourselves. If not, you step in the middle between the candelabras and take some weight."
Ronalt de Gault
player, 675 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Sat 1 Feb 2014
at 00:44
  • msg #33

Re: The search for treasure

Ronalt nods and picks up the end of another pole, ready to carry the burden.
GM the Third
GM, 523 posts
Sun 2 Feb 2014
at 04:32
  • msg #34

Re: The search for treasure

The two candelabra are soon made ready for transport with Sven leading the way, a pole on each shoulder, and Yew and Iviana trailing behind. There had been a little trading off of personal equipment, but nothing would need to be left behind.

Mist led the way followed by Arek a few dozen feet behind. Then came the carriers with Ronalt overseeing them and ready to dive in and assist as necessary. Finally Tindoome brought up the rear with Butch and Sundance.

The procession made relatively good time, the only real difficulty being the stairs, but even so it only took about twice as long going back to Oolhgrist as it did going down to the candelabra. Beside a few stray voices echoing through the ventilation system (which caused a few heart stopping moments as they seemed to come from just through the nearest wall or around the next corner) the journey back was essentially uneventful, if somewhat slow.
Brother Yew
player, 416 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 2 Feb 2014
at 16:01
  • msg #35

Re: The search for treasure

"We're back!" Yew announced to the guard troll with the hydra. "These gold things are the payment for Oohlgrist if we have a deal. Open the door so we can take them through to continue discussions with Oohlgrist."

Then he remembered the guard troll doesn't speak Common, so he repeated the request in Gnoll-speak.
Tindoome Uurraumo
Player, 696 posts
Magic User
Mon 3 Feb 2014
at 20:29
  • msg #36

Re: The search for treasure

Relieved they have made the trip successfully, Tindo remains attentive to danger.
GM the Third
GM, 528 posts
Tue 4 Feb 2014
at 03:37
  • msg #37

Re: The search for treasure

The troll "guard" eyes the party and it's load.
[Language unknown: "Reble wiss ektiat."]
Brother Yew
player, 417 posts
Half-elf monk
Tue 4 Feb 2014
at 11:56
  • msg #38

Re: The search for treasure

[Language unknown: "T ac ie ngave menol lo eveeenlin. Ater houil sta enc, ngnian."] Yew barked back in gnoll-speak.

"He commented that we are back quickly," he explained to his companions. "I asked him to open the door now as we do not have time to waste."
GM the Third
GM, 532 posts
Thu 6 Feb 2014
at 08:20
  • msg #39

Re: The search for treasure

[Language unknown: "Alas ai! Ai o iles m Antany-averes whithabut eress oulre."]
The troll motioned the party to stay where they were for a moment before heading through the western door. A few moments later and it returned and waved the carriers (Sven, Yew and Iviana) onward, its other hand indicating Arek, Ronalt and Tindoome (and animals) remain.
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