The priest, seeing the tables turned in an instant, held up his shield, stepped back to the door and flung it open.
"Get in here!" he cried urgently.
The prince leapt over Rolf and the bugbear, chasing after the priest.
Amathaon tossed aside the morning star and dived onto the struggling bugbear to assist Rolf.
Haldan wasted time calling for the priests surrender (slow initiative) before chasing after the withdrawing man, short sword leading. His attack struck home, but only inflicted a minimal wound.
Luthien stepped around Rolf and Amathaon and over the other bugbear, following on behind Haldan. Reaching over the top of the diminutive halfling, he thrust with the spear. His attack was good, but not good enough, the spear point sliding off their shield with no effect.
Through the door came a badly wounded man in plate mail and shield, a hammer at his belt, and a equally injured bugbear, this one unarmed. The man ignores his weapon and attacks the prince with his fist, inflicting a minor injury, while the bugbear strikes at Haldan his his clawed hands, but misses.
The prince slashes at the priest and inflicts a nasty wound, then, almost as an afterthought, cuts down the heavily armoured man.
New round, new initiative.
Don't forget that there are modifiers to the initiative roll such as weapon speed factor, or spell casting time. Also movement adds to final initiative - every 1/10th of a characters "Move" adds one to the final initiative score (eg Amathaon has a Move of 6" or 60 feet per round. For each 6 feet of movement, he adds 1 to his initiative roll, plus weapon speed factor, plus any other modifiers that may be applicable).