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19:21, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
player, 55 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Wed 28 May 2014
at 05:43
  • msg #101

Re: Caught!

22:41, Today: Luthien rolled 5 using 1d10. Init!

Part of him was bothered by using such a low class weapon as a spear. Still, if the Prince took him to task, well, he was still in training, and not officially Knighted yet. He couldn't technically break vows he had yet to officially take. Still, he wanted to live by the spirit of the rules as much as possible, and if a better weapon dropped, he'd take it instead.

In the meantime, he attempts to help the wrestling bugbear to a new hole in its back, as it wrestles around on the ground. He still wanted to stab that cleric, but he'd need to get closer, and throwing the spear seemed unwise.
Haldan Tanner
player, 42 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Wed 28 May 2014
at 14:32
  • msg #102

Re: Caught!

Haldan, having kept his head down and looked around, decides to try and snatch the short sword off the bugbear fighting the prince. He moves carefully, looking for his opportunity, hoping for a clear shot from behind the thing.

While maneuvering, he remains cognizant of his surroundings with an eye towards potential foes and useful appurtenances.
GM the Third
GM, 663 posts
Fri 30 May 2014
at 12:39
  • msg #103

Re: Caught!

Haldan moves swiftly and with great skill, surreptitiously slipping the short sword "dagger" from the belt of the bugbear attacking the prince. Finding himself beyond the front line however probably wasn't part of his master plan...

The priest yelled forcefully at the prince "FLEE!"
He was left red faced and fuming as yet another spell failed to effect the intended target.

The ogre takes a swipe at Amathaon with his club, bent on turning the dwarf into a red stain on the stone floor. Amathaon however is a slippery target, tumbling between the ogres legs and swinging the unfamiliar morning star awkwardly into the back of their knee - it wasn't pretty, but it was an injury.

Luthien switched targets from the huge ogre to the bugbear struggling with Rolf - a much more difficult task indeed, at least if he was to take care not to hit Rolf in the process! Perhaps it was this care which resulted in the spear point missing.

The princes bugbear opponent struck out again, seemingly having missed the disappearance of their "dagger" into Haldans hands. Again the prince was on the defensive, but again the flail wrapped around the sword and hit the prince heavily with a sickening thud.

The prince however took the hit in his stride, immediately and unerringly retaliating with a blow that almost felled the bugbear.

New round. Rolf is still wrestling one bugbear (fire temple) and keeping them out of the fight. The ogre has taken a small wound, and the other bugbear (guard) is very badly injured. Of the PCs, only Thrommel has taken any hits, but he's still got plenty of fight left in him.
player, 57 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Fri 30 May 2014
at 17:06
  • msg #104

Re: Caught!

10:01, Today: Luthien rolled 1 using 1d10. Init.

This low class, peasant weapon was not serving Luthien well. Or perhaps his inexperience was not serving him well. Either way, he had a clear shot at the ogre now, and took it, since there was now nobody in the way. Perhaps he'd even drop it outright.
Haldan Tanner
player, 44 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Fri 30 May 2014
at 19:43
  • msg #105

Re: Caught!

Haldan is quite pleased with his acquisition. Trying to stay out of harm's reach for a moment, he contemplates whether he has a potential backstab available to him.

Failing that, he considers attacking the young cleric in melee...
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 35 posts
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:16
  • msg #106

Re: Caught!

18:12, Fri 30 May 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 7 using 1d10 ((7)). initiative

  Amathaon wished he was more familiar with te morning star. He will swing at the ogres knee once more. He was determined to bring the big thing, down to his size.

8:14, Fri 30 May 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 7 using 1d20 ((7)). attack roll.
GM the Third
GM, 666 posts
Sat 31 May 2014
at 14:12
  • msg #107

Re: Caught!

The priest begins casting, calling upon the power of Imix. Then the ogre swings at the prince, ignoring the annoying dwarven bug nipping at his heels. Amathaon's actions however seem to have had an effect as the huge club misses.

Once again ignoring Haldan, the badly wounded bugbear lashes out at the prince once more, encouraged by his previous two successful hits. Once again he hits and inflicts injury on the prince.

Almost simultaneously Luthien thrusts at the ogre skewering his target with the unfamiliar weapon.

The priest completes his spell and reaches for Haldan. The nimble halfling avoids his touch however and retaliates with the short sword. Unfortunately his efforts to avoid being touched put off his aim...

Amathaon then swings again (and misses) with the morning star at the rear of the ogre.

Finally the prince strikes, once, twice. First the ogre is struck, then the wounded bugbear. Both go down heavily and cease moving.

New round (and initiative). Ogre and Bugbear are toast, Rolf is still successfully wrestling the other bugbear. The priest is the only opponent still on their feet, and they're starting to look rather concerned as of the last few moments of that round (he's also probably regretting closing the door at his back earlier).
Note that Haldan, Rolf and the surviving bugbear are in the way of anyone else easily reaching the cleric.
player, 58 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Sat 31 May 2014
at 19:35
  • msg #108

Re: Caught!

"2 down, 2 to go. Don't let that cleric escape, Haldan, he'll see his end this day!"

For his part, he used the fact this peasant weapon had reach...and the fact halflings were so small, to run behind the Halfling and try to stab the cleric over his head! Friendly fire was easy to avoid when one's ally was so short, and one's opponent was...not so short.

12:36, Today: Luthien rolled 9 using 1d10. Init.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:39, Sat 31 May 2014.
Haldan Tanner
player, 45 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Sat 31 May 2014
at 20:06
  • msg #109

Re: Caught!

Showing his teeth in a nasty grin, Haldan growled at the cleric, "You could always surrender! We could lock you in a cell for your friends to find. Or you could just die!"

He jabs a bit with the short sword, and with a maniacal gleam in his eye, adds, "Go ahead -- you choose. Or I'll choose for you!"

OOC: Rolled a 9 for Initiative. Stay in melee.

Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 36 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 02:58
  • msg #110

Re: Caught!

I rolled a 5 for initiative.

Realizing he was getting no where with the morning star, Amathaon laid it aside. He thought he might take it with him, if they ever got out of here. He stepped over the dead ogre and bugbears legs to get to Rolf. He decided to help hold the thing down by grabbing its legs.
GM the Third
GM, 668 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 12:43
  • msg #111

Re: Caught!

The priest, seeing the tables turned in an instant, held up his shield, stepped back to the door and flung it open. "Get in here!" he cried urgently.

The prince leapt over Rolf and the bugbear, chasing after the priest.

Amathaon tossed aside the morning star and dived onto the struggling bugbear to assist Rolf.

Haldan wasted time calling for the priests surrender (slow initiative) before chasing after the withdrawing man, short sword leading. His attack struck home, but only inflicted a minimal wound.

Luthien stepped around Rolf and Amathaon and over the other bugbear, following on behind Haldan. Reaching over the top of the diminutive halfling, he thrust with the spear. His attack was good, but not good enough, the spear point sliding off their shield with no effect.

Through the door came a badly wounded man in plate mail and shield, a hammer at his belt, and a equally injured bugbear, this one unarmed. The man ignores his weapon and attacks the prince with his fist, inflicting a minor injury, while the bugbear strikes at Haldan his his clawed hands, but misses.

The prince slashes at the priest and inflicts a nasty wound, then, almost as an afterthought, cuts down the heavily armoured man.

New round, new initiative.

Don't forget that there are modifiers to the initiative roll such as weapon speed factor, or spell casting time. Also movement adds to final initiative - every 1/10th of a characters "Move" adds one to the final initiative score (eg Amathaon has a Move of 6" or 60 feet per round. For each 6 feet of movement, he adds 1 to his initiative roll, plus weapon speed factor, plus any other modifiers that may be applicable).
Haldan Tanner
player, 48 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 16:46
  • msg #112

Re: Caught!

Haldan, pleased that he nicked the cleric, is not about to quit now! He keeps the young human engaged in melee, and works to take the man's life! Should the man turn and run, the halfling is poised to take full advantage with a stab from behind!

Init roll = 4, +3 SF short sword. Total 7.
player, 62 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 18:18
  • msg #113

Re: Caught!

11:14, Today: Luthien rolled 4 using 1d10. Init.

Undaunted, Luthien kept stabbing. There were only so many times a shield could be used at once, especially since he was on the cleric's weaponhand side.

With that thought in mind, he continued stabbing the cleric with that spear. What else was he to do? The only way he'd get better is if he could trade this silly peasant weapon for a proper longsword.

"If only I had a sword. Well, have at you!"
This message was last edited by the player at 08:10, Mon 02 June 2014.
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 37 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 23:19
  • msg #114

Re: Caught!

9:15, Sun 01 June 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 6 using 1d10 ((6)). initiative

  Amathaon looked around for anything to finish the bugbear off with. He said, "Come on Rolf, there has to be a way to finish this fellow off. We have to help our friends."
GM the Third
GM, 677 posts
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 11:44
  • msg #115

Re: Caught!

The priest begins casting once more after plucking a small silver mirror from the back of their shield.

Haldan, eager to spoil the spell acts too quickly, his attack missing badly.

Amathaon looks for a weapon (without success) all the while trying to help keep the much larger and stronger bugbear down.

The priests spell is complete a moment before Luthien jabs with his spear at the newly arrived bugbear (misses).

Rolf and Amathaon's opponent gives up it's wrestling match and instead viciously racks Rolf with his claws and tears a great chunk of his shoulder away with his teeth. Rolf, understandably, lets out a terrible scream of pain, immediately releases his hold, and tries to free himself from the claws before any more of his flesh is devoured.

The standing bugbear swipes at Haldan again, this time hitting, and hitting hard, knocking the small halfling from his feet with a sickening crunch.

The prince finally attacks, hitting the priest with a nasty blow.

New round. Rolf is no longer holding the bugbear (only Amathaon who's sure to be tossed aside shortly), Haldan is off his feet and in pain, and Luthien seems to have lost all interest in the priest (who's not looking too healthy right now).
Haven't updated the map as everyone's still rough where they were last time.
Haldan Tanner
player, 49 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 13:54
  • msg #116

Re: Caught!

Haldan clenches his jaw at the pain, favoring his side slightly as he tries to sidle about and thus reposition himself. 'No sense in letting that bugbear have an easy sweep,' he thinks. His goal is to continue attacking the cleric, avoid the bugbear's attacks, and not expose his back to the bugbear somewhere behind him.

Init: rolled 3, plus 3 for short sword
player, 64 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 18:28
  • msg #117

Re: Caught!

11:24, Today: Luthien rolled 1 using 1d10. Init.

Luthien for some reason didn't consider the cleric too terribly important anymore. Besides, his highness looked like he'd kill him soon anyway. So he used the spear's reach to attack the bugbear. Perhaps he could perforate it properly for once. This foolish peasant weapon was serving him VERY poorly. If only he had a longsword...
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 39 posts
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 00:15
  • msg #118

Re: Caught!

0:12, Thu 05 June 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 10 using 1d10 ((10)).

  Without Rolf's help, Amathaon realized holding the bugbear was pointless. He let the bugbear go and will attempt to pick up the morning star. He wasn't any good with it, but it was better than nothing.
GM the Third
GM, 682 posts
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 15:26
  • msg #119

Re: Caught!

Feeling every bit of his injury, Haldan was quickly back in the fight, thrusting the short sword at the priest. The pain was too much, as was the awkward position he started in, and the attack missed.

Perhaps distracted by Rolf, Amathaon and the downed bugbears struggle, Luthien stabbed at his chosen opponent and also missed badly.

With desperation in their eyes the priest began casting another spell completing it 14 soon after. A bright light appears inches behind the princes head bathing the room with it's brightness.

Amathaon attempted to untangle himself from the bugbear, but they seemed to have other plans. Claws ripped at the unarmoured dwarf inflicting a nasty wound but unable to prevent Amathaon putting a few feet of distance between them.

Luthiens opponent pushes forward silently, intent it seems on crushing the life out of Haldan. Fortunately Haldan is able to avoid another devastating blow.

The prince swings, once at the priest, once at the now free (but still prone) bugbear. He hits both, almost sending the priest to the ground and inflicting a grievous wound on the bugbear.

New round. Rolf, Amathaon and the bugbear are all still prone.
player, 66 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 15:31
  • msg #120

Re: Caught!

08:28, Today: Luthien rolled 5 using 1d10. Init.

Luthien figures he'll do the most good if he can actually hit something...

So he stabs down at the bugbear who's lying down. Maybe something lying on the ground will be easier for him to stab at and actually hit...worth a try.

"Accursed peasant weapon..."
Haldan Tanner
player, 50 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 16:15
  • msg #121

Re: Caught!

Haldan's eyes grow wider, sweat making his face shine, as he tries to ignore the pain whilst in combat. Slightly unnerved by the bugbear's persistence in pursuing him, the smallest, unarmored lightweight in the room, he decides to give the beast second thoughts! With a flurry of slashes, the desperate halfling tries ending the thing's life while retreating a bit from melee with the cleric.

Initiative: rolled 9, +3 short sword SF
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 41 posts
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 22:47
  • msg #122

Re: Caught!

18:43, Sat 07 June 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 8 using 1d10 ((8)).

  Amathaon winced from the claws. He got up and reached for the club. Amathaon thought he'd do more damage with such a simple weapon, until he could get his sword back. Then, he took a whack at the downed bugbear.

18:46, Sat 07 June 2014: Amathaon Chalkbreaker rolled 6 using 1d20+3 ((3)). attack roll.
GM the Third
GM, 689 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 13:17
  • msg #123

Re: Caught!

The priest, looking very much the worse for wear, backs away from Haldan and Luthien.
"I surrender!" he cried, holding up his shield before him to ward of any further attacks.

Still on the ground, the bugbear scrambles after Amathaon and swipes at the dwarf with his claws, scoring a painful wound across his legs.

Luthien stabs down at the prone bugbear but misses as he stumbles over Haldan who is simultaneously stabbing the short sword deep into the slow moving bugbear attacking him. The bugbear seems to not even notice the blade sticking from it's gut, not even making a noise in recognition of the wound.

Moments later Amathaon desperately swings the ogres club at the prone bugbear. Instead of hitting flesh however, the weapon smashes into the stone floor, almost jarring free from the dwarfs grasp.

The Prince stabs at the prone bugbear, ending their life before they can do any more harm, then turns his attention back to the priest.
Prince Avras Thromel
NPC, 83 posts
Paladin Lord
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 13:19
  • msg #124

Re: Caught!

"Throw down your arms and I will accept your surrender," he ordered the priest, moving closer with his sword at the ready.
Haldan Tanner
player, 51 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 13:59
  • msg #125

Re: Caught!

Haldan cautiously remains on guard, positioning himself between the prince, and the newcomers at the door. Trusting the prince to handle the surrendered cleric, the halfling addresses the group at the door.

"Just a routine prisoner escape. We don't have a problem, do we?"

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