
How long has it been? Ten days? Two weeks? It's been hard to tell when confined to the tiny 8'x8' cell for so long with "meals", such as they are, only coming at irregular intervals. Originally there were five prisoners jammed into the tiny space, but the other four were taken away within a few days, never to be seen again. Five(?) days ago two badly beaten human merchants were tossed in to keep you company, and just yesterday another man who claims he was a mercenary just passing the area joined you. You're not so sure of his story though as the guards (an ogre and a bugbear) have used his name, "Rolf", on several occasions as if they knew him.
On the odd occasions when the door has been opened and food or new prisoners thrown in, you've seen part of the layout of the guard room. An oversized table and two matching chairs stand in the northeast, along the diagonal wall. A cask and several leather jacks are on the table, amongst small hunks of cheese and dried meat; some food scraps have fallen to the floor. Nearby is a barrel and a huge pot. Brackets and torches line the walls, but only 3 contain torches, none lit. Two bronze-bound oaken doors, one of them yours, each with a heavy bar, padlock, and small barred port, mark the cells, but you suspect there's at least one more cell out of your line of vision based on voices and moans you've heard. (see game map)
You and the other three men don't know much of the layout beyond the guard room - all were brought in either blindfolded or unconscious, stripped of everything beyond the few rags you still wear.
Time drags slowly along in the tiny space. And then there's the sound of a door opening which usually telegraphs the arrival of the slop the gaolers call food, or a new prisoner.
"Watch this one," a human voice you haven't heard before drifts in from the guard room.
"He's some sort of noble, or something. He's important no matter what."
Feet walk away and a door closes.
"Armour off. This time it's the ogre talking.
"Put there." A rattle of metal, probably chain mail, then a thud as it's dropped to the floor.
Keys rattle and are slotted into the keyhole of your door, the port is flung open.
"Ever'one ta tha back."
Without arms or armour it would be suicide to disobey. Satisfied his command has been followed, the ogre opens the door and his bugbear assistant thrust the newcomer inside. The door is almost slammed on his heels...