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18:35, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Who are you?

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
GM the Third
GM, 692 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 14:16
  • msg #1

Who are you?

An unarmoured halfling cautiously remains on guard, positioning himself between the prince, and those at the door. The halfling addresses the group at the door.
"Just a routine prisoner escape. We don't have a problem, do we?"
Brother Yew
player, 497 posts
Half-elf monk
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 15:22
  • msg #2

Re: Who are you?

The robed half-elf continued moving forward, passing behind those crowding the door until he had seen all of the combatants in the room beyond. He stopped there and bowed his head gently to the prince.

"If that is the fire priest Alrrem offering his surrender, then I am sure we have no problem at all," he calmly answered the halfling.

After that he divided his attention between what was happening in the room and keeping watch down the northern corridor, keeping his light crossbow pointed down that northern corridor in case trouble should arrive from that direction.
player, 543 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 19:00
  • msg #3

Re: Who are you?

Gwythe reclaims the sack and pulls it back over his sword, dimming the light again.
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 42 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 19:13
  • msg #4

Re: Who are you?

Amathaon rubbed his legs a bit. He said, "I sure hope you lot have someone who can heal wounds." He looked out from the cell to see how many strangers were outside. Amathaon assumed they were the friends the prince was counting on Amathaon also looked around for his falchion sword.
Haldan Tanner
player, 52 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 19:24
  • msg #5

Re: Who are you?

Haldan looks to the prince for his reaction. Assuming he accepts the newcomers, he will head to the southern end of the area to (hopefully) reclaim his belongings.
Player, 599 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 19:39
  • msg #6

Re: Who are you?

Ivianna stayed where she was, placing her shield on the ground, stringing her bow, and nocking an arrow to it. She had a good view of the hallway, and wasn't clustered with the others if anything bad happened. She listened to the conversation and tried to make sense of it, although that was proving difficult.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 727 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 22:07
  • msg #7

Re: Who are you?

"Aye the fire priest has my sword and darn pack I want back." Ronalt growled.
player, 69 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 22:24
  • msg #8

Re: Who are you?

Luthien looks around at the newcomers.

"Perhaps we should have this conversation elsewhere. And did anyone see a longsword around here lately? It's all I'm trained with at the moment."
Haldan Tanner
player, 53 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 22:29
  • msg #9

Re: Who are you?

"Take a look over here, gentlemen. Looks like this heap is where they dumped our stuff," calls the halfling as he attempts to locate his gear in amongst the pile.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 728 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 22:42
  • msg #10

Re: Who are you?

Ronalt moved over to the surrendering fire priest to see if it was the same one he had already had "dealings with".
"I will accept your unconditional surrender."
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 43 posts
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 23:41
  • msg #11

Re: Who are you?

Amathaon limped over to the pile to look for his stuff. He said, "Well Hap, looks like a real talkative lot don't they?"
Haldan Tanner
player, 54 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 00:01
  • msg #12

Re: Who are you?

Hap mutters to his dwarven friend, "Better that than bandits or slavers." Then he takes a slow breath, and laughs out loud. "You know, we got out of that one! Things are looking up, you know?"
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 44 posts
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 00:39
  • msg #13

Re: Who are you?

Amathaon nodded and replied, "Aye ain't that the truth."
Tindoome Uurraumo
Player, 746 posts
Magic User
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 06:22
  • msg #14

Re: Who are you?

Tindo frowns at the party clumped by the door, and decides to stay just where she is at until the situation was better understood. She closes the door to the stairway as quietly as possible and stands in the corner, ready and watchful for approaching trouble.
player, 70 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 06:25
  • msg #15

Re: Who are you?

Luthien goes through the aforementioned pile of stolen stuff, looking for a longsword, a shield, and some kind of armor. If no kind of armor can be found, he can take the chain mail and shield of the surrendered cleric. Better then nothing, after all.

If no longswords can be found, he at least wants a proper knightly weapon, like any other one handed sword, or a horseman's mace or pick.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:31, Wed 11 June 2014.
GM the Third
GM, 694 posts
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 13:00
  • msg #16

Re: Who are you?

An oversized table and two matching chairs stand in the northeast, along the diagonal wall. A cask containing beer and several leather jacks are on the table, amongst small hunks of cheese and dried meat; some food scraps have fallen to the floor.
Nearby is a barrel of water and a huge pot with some sort of gruel of grain and vegetables. Brackets and torches line the walls, but only 3 contain torches, none lit. A great pile of hides and skins is in the southeast corner — a bed of sorts. Next to it is piled possessions of the Prince and a halfling.
Four bronze-bound oaken doors, each with a heavy bar, padlock, and small barred port, mark the eight foot square cells.

The gaoler, an ogre, is laying dead in the northern section. He carries 39 gp and 28 ep in his purse, along with the keys to the cells. The body of his assistant, a bugbear, is beside him and wears a chain mail shirt, a purse tucked underneath contains 3 pp, 4 gp, and 18 sp.

One of the men wears a red robe with a gold skull emblem, but with plate mail armour underneath, and carries a shield as well. He has gold fire amulet on a gold chain. A warhammer is still hooked to his belt despite him having entered into combat.

Both of the remaining bugbears wear a short cape of crimson cloth. The one which was prone carried 8 gp, 7 ep, and 6 sp while the one which Sven, Gwythe, Halfdan and Ronalt cut to pieces was both unarmed and penniless.

After disarming and searching, Alrrem is found to have been wearing a robe of deep crimson with a purple lining and gold trim; it has gold skulls on front, back, and sleeves. His gold fire symbol (on golden chain) is set with a nice ruby. He had a scroll of three spells in a tube at his belt (dispel magic, flame strike, tongues), and carried 11 ep, 21 gp, 45 pp, and 4 zircons in his purse. He wore chain mail and shield, and carried two hammers.

Other items found include a footmans flail, morning star, the 8 foot long spear Luthien was fighting with, and the ogres club.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:13, Wed 11 June 2014.
Unknown voice
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 13:02
  • msg #17

Re: Who are you?

A pleading voice comes from one of the closed cells.
[Language unknown: "Il k! Ainastfor!"]
Arek Blackiron
player, 790 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 13:43
  • msg #18

Re: Who are you?

In reply to Amathaon Chalkbreaker (msg # 4):

"Git ou' o' m' way!"
Arek shouldered his way through the crowd to see to the wounded dwarf.
"Ah be Arek, Canon o' tha Father o' Battle 'imself, Clanggedin Silverbeard!"
"ow'd yer gi' 'ere an' where 're yer from?"

He pulled a bandage from his pack as he spoke and bound Amathaon's wounds.
Brother Yew
player, 498 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 14:15
  • msg #19

Re: Who are you?

Yew exchanged glances with Tindo and Iviana.

"That voice is elvish," he comments for the benefit of others who might not recognise the language spoken.

With one last glance down the corridor he moves quickly to the ogre jailer and  retrieves the keys.

Noticing the dead half-orc he pauses to look at the corpse.

"Was this one alive or undead?" he asks of those who fought him. "He was surely dead last time we saw him."

He leaves that question for others to answer and swiftly moves on to check the four cells beyond. He peers in at the small barred port in each door to see which cells are occupied and what the prisoners look like.
Haldan Tanner
player, 55 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 15:42
  • msg #20

Re: Who are you?

Haldan gathers his halfling-sized gear and redistributes it about his person, but begins cursing rousingly.

“My money's not here! My gems! The scum-suckers have stolen my money!” He turns to his friend Amathaon, now being attended by the dwarf cleric. “Do you know what they've done? How'm I gonna pay my bills?! Do you know how much I owe Black Bart? He'll have my gizzard on a stick if I can't pay him by Godsday!”

With another blistering curse, the tiny halfling kicks at the nearby pile in frustration, then yelps and grasps his side. Looking to the cleric, he says, “Ey, Yer Worshipfulness sir, I'm Haldan. I'd be grateful if y'd look at my side. I think that bugbear might've busted a few ribs... there was this crunch when he hit me.”
player, 71 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 17:01
  • msg #21

Re: Who are you?

Luthien notices the Plate mail...and since that is even better then chain, he'll cheerfully take that and one of the shields. He feels much more comfortable now that his defense, at least, looks properly 'knightly'

Looking around, however, he sees no longswords among the temple's stuff, but...

"Pardon me, my friends, but are any of those longswords you carry extras? I need one to be effective. I don't require a magical one."

If nothing can found or parted with, however, he'll make do with either the warhammer or the Morningstar.

(OOC:GM says the rescuers have a couple longswords lying around...)
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 45 posts
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:30
  • msg #22

Re: Who are you?

Nodding to Arek, he said, "Thanks for the help, I feel a bit better. My name is Amathaon Chalkbreaker. I'm from the Principality of Ulek. How about you?" Looking at Hap, he said, "They took your money and my falchion. There's not even a hand crossbow or dagger for me to use. I guess I shall have to train with that footman's flail and the stupid ogres club." He'll pick up both items after being treated by Arek. Amathaon picked up the gaolers purse and handed it to Hap. He said, "Here, take this Hap. It may not be much, but it's better than nothing." He took the assistants small purse for himself.
Haldan Tanner
player, 56 posts
Small, overall
It's always the quiet one
Thu 12 Jun 2014
at 00:08
  • msg #23

Re: Who are you?

"Your sword is missing?" Hap looks sympathetic. "Here, my friend, I have a back-up blade." The halfling hands his friend a short sword with a blackened blade.
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 46 posts
Thu 12 Jun 2014
at 00:16
  • msg #24

Re: Who are you?

Amathaon smiled at his friend and replied, "Thanks Hap, much appreciated." He took the short sword and slipped it through his belt.
player, 72 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Thu 12 Jun 2014
at 01:50
  • msg #25

Re: Who are you?

Luthien smiles graciously, "Thank you for the offer, my friend, but the truth is, I'd be as inept with a sword of the wrong size as I am with this mace I just picked up. Sadly, weapon training is very specific like that."
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