Re: Who are you?

An oversized table and two matching chairs stand in the northeast, along the diagonal wall. A cask containing beer and several leather jacks are on the table, amongst small hunks of cheese and dried meat; some food scraps have fallen to the floor.
Nearby is a barrel of water and a huge pot with some sort of gruel of grain and vegetables. Brackets and torches line the walls, but only 3 contain torches, none lit. A great pile of hides and skins is in the southeast corner — a bed of sorts. Next to it is piled possessions of the Prince and a halfling.
Four bronze-bound oaken doors, each with a heavy bar, padlock, and small barred port, mark the eight foot square cells.
The gaoler, an ogre, is laying dead in the northern section. He carries 39 gp and 28 ep in his purse, along with the keys to the cells. The body of his assistant, a bugbear, is beside him and wears a chain mail shirt, a purse tucked underneath contains 3 pp, 4 gp, and 18 sp.
One of the men wears a red robe with a gold skull emblem, but with plate mail armour underneath, and carries a shield as well. He has gold fire amulet on a gold chain. A warhammer is still hooked to his belt despite him having entered into combat.
Both of the remaining bugbears wear a short cape of crimson cloth. The one which was prone carried 8 gp, 7 ep, and 6 sp while the one which Sven, Gwythe, Halfdan and Ronalt cut to pieces was both unarmed and penniless.
After disarming and searching, Alrrem is found to have been wearing a robe of deep crimson with a purple lining and gold trim; it has gold skulls on front, back, and sleeves. His gold fire symbol (on golden chain) is set with a nice ruby. He had a scroll of three spells in a tube at his belt (dispel magic, flame strike, tongues), and carried 11 ep, 21 gp, 45 pp, and 4 zircons in his purse. He wore chain mail and shield, and carried two hammers.
Other items found include a footmans flail, morning star, the 8 foot long spear Luthien was fighting with, and the ogres club.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:13, Wed 11 June 2014.