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18:13, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Up again.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 142 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 02:59
  • msg #158

Re: Moving along

Amathaon also shrugged and prepared to follow his friends and the orcs.
Sven Arnoff
player, 279 posts
Walking death
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 03:09
  • msg #159

Re: Moving along

Sven stalks the corridor with Wonnillon in tow, alert to any sounds in front of Yew.
"You seen this before?" he asked the diminutive warrior.
Brother Yew
player, 625 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 07:10
  • msg #160

Re: Moving along

Brother Yew lead the way down the narrow secret passage, opened the door at the end and peeked out into the corridor beyond. He nodded in acknowledgement of the orc's instruction.

If it is clear he will lead the way out of the secret passage and turn right into the corridor, which means they are still heading more-or-less south as previously instructed.
Player, 718 posts
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 16:18
  • msg #161

Re: Moving along

Iviana followed close to the orcs, her hand on her belt weapon and a spell ready on her lips. She was minded to trust what the Prince had said though. She wasn't quite as rabid as some of her friends 'the only good orc is a dead orc', but she really didn't trust them...
NPC, 4 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 03:11
  • msg #162

Re: Moving along

In reply to Sven Arnoff (msg # 159):

"I'm afraid not," he responded, clutching the blade borrowed from Sven.
"They had me blindfolded."
GM the Third
GM, 923 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 12:49
  • msg #163

Re: Moving along

The door now facing Brother Yew, like all before it, is closed.
Brother Yew
player, 626 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 13:50
  • msg #164

Re: Moving along

Yew looks back at their tour guide and quietly asks a couple of questions in orcish.

[Language unknown: "O proan for wano?" os isei pondwh. "T oersheson sarievwe trek ncetpa nd chhoan in inthad m?"]
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 23:40
  • msg #165

Re: Moving along

The orcs response was brief.
[Language unknown: "Nte, etiliv ca. Ca hou thtiwa iou p wilshesettho."]
Brother Yew
player, 627 posts
Half-elf monk
Tue 24 Mar 2015
at 12:31
  • msg #166

Re: Moving along

Yew nodded once, his face showing no expression at all.

He cautiously tried the door to see if it was locked.
  • If locked he will attempt to unlock it.
  • If unlocked, he will open it slightly so he can peek through to see what lies beyond.
  • If the way ahead appears clear he will open the door fully and continue onwards.

Player, 719 posts
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 20:22
  • msg #167

Re: Moving along

Iviana checked that the Orcs felt that this was the way, and watched them carefully. Perhaps the Prince was right...
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 143 posts
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 23:39
  • msg #168

Re: Moving along

Amathaon kept his eyes on the Orcs. He sensed that his friends didn't trust them and neither did he. He was ready with his falchion just in case.
GM the Third
GM, 924 posts
Thu 26 Mar 2015
at 00:11
  • msg #169

Re: Moving along

The door was unlocked and opened to another empty corridor. A scattering of lit torches (about 1 in 10 sconces) dimly illuminate the length of the passage.

See game map - scrolling probably required..
Brother Yew
player, 628 posts
Half-elf monk
Thu 26 Mar 2015
at 15:08
  • msg #170

Re: Moving along

Yew looked back at their orc-guide and pointed down the long corridor toward the south.

"This way?" he asked, still keeping his voice low.

If the orc agrees that is the right path Yew will lead the way southwards again, quickly looking east and west down the side passages as they pass them.
Player, 723 posts
Thu 26 Mar 2015
at 15:13
  • msg #171

Re: Moving along

The earlier man had said mostly 'just keep going South', so Iviana hoped that the instructions were correct. Messing up here was just going to be painful with so many people along...
Thu 26 Mar 2015
at 23:53
  • msg #172

Re: Moving along

One of the many prisoners nodded his agreement with Yews query.
Nearly thirty people made up the band now.
Brother Yew
player, 629 posts
Half-elf monk
Fri 27 Mar 2015
at 14:01
  • msg #173

Re: Moving along

So Brother Yew leads the ever-growing flock of pilgrims southwards once again until he runs out of southwards. Then he looks east and west to see which appears to offer more of the southwardness they seek.
GM the Third
GM, 927 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2015
at 14:41
  • msg #174

Re: Moving along

Yew doesn't quite make it all the way to the end when stairs up are spotted to the west. Another set of stairs can just be made out through the gloom a hundred yards or so to the east.
(see map)
Arek Blackiron
player, 819 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 02:21
  • msg #175

Re: Moving along

"Up tha stairs then is i'?"
"We go'ta gi Kalador 'for we leave too."

NPC, 5 posts
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 04:22
  • msg #176

Re: Moving along

"Who or what is Kalador and why should he be retrieved?" Wonnilon asked Sven, just loudly enough for those nearby to hear.
Brother Yew
player, 630 posts
Half-elf monk
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 14:07
  • msg #177

Re: Moving along

Brother Yew signals for the others to wait at the southern crossroads, allowing the rest of the group to catch up, while he quickly advances the last 10 or 20 feet to look down the southernmost corridors as well. But as soon as he has done that he returns to ask directions again.

"Which way is the exit?" he asks quietly then asks in Orcish as well [Language unknown: "Heernc sta a inlo ion?"]. "We should get these people out while we can. Kalador was a good friend and died bravely but the safety of the living should be given greater priority than retrieving his body. Once they are safe we can return for Kalador if that is your wish, Master Arek."
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 14:24
  • msg #178

Re: Moving along

Both orcs turned away from each other at the same time and pointed at a different set of stairs.
[Language unknown: "Conil the"], they said in unison.
Arek Blackiron
player, 820 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 14:41
  • msg #179

Re: Moving along

Arek shuffled from one foot to the other sheepishly.
"Umm, 'bout tha'...."
Clearly Arek had a bit of a secret he'd been withholding.
"E kin walk ou' 'imself. Clanggedin Silverbeard saw fi' ta anima' 'im a' mah request."
He smiled proudly, "Ah call him "Kombie".
This message was last edited by the player at 14:48, Sat 28 Mar 2015.
Brother Yew
player, 631 posts
Half-elf monk
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 17:15
  • msg #180

Re: Moving along

Brother Yew made no further reply to Arek's latest revelation. His face was an inscrutable mask as he turned away toward the western corridor and led the way up the brown stone stairs. He still held his crossbow ready and loaded in case they met any trouble.
GM the Third
GM, 929 posts
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 12:28
  • msg #181

Re: Moving along

Yew pokes his head around the last corners before heading up the stairs.
Brother Yew
player, 632 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 13:25
  • msg #182

Re: Moving along

"That way is only a pair of old guard rooms. They appear long abandoned," Yew reported.

He turned his attention to the western stairs and led the way up.
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