(area 5a) Gwythe finds two of the brown robes are a bit frayed but intact. The candles are normal, each about three inches long.
(area 5) Brother Yew opens the door and finds himself looking out upon a very large area. The place is huge. It extends over 450 feet north and south, and is nearly 450 feet across at its widest. The walls rise about 30 feet, supported by arched buttresses and many pilasters. The roof peak is about 20 feet higher than the walls, making the whole edifice no less than 50 feet tall.
Dim daylight filters through the vile stained glass windows high up in the walls, casting revolting colours upon the stones of the floor.
The supporting pillars in this wing are sandstone, resting on a red slate floor. Bits of broken pottery and sharp bits of rock cover the floor here, making walking about a risky business. The stump of a granite monolith, and chunks of brownish-red rock around its base, indicate that the altar was violently assaulted and destroyed. A few links of bronze chain, a twisted manacle, and a bronzewood maul with a snapped haft add to the impression that the enemies of the Temple who did this must have found the altar very hateful indeed.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:58, Wed 01 Apr 2015.