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17:36, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Up yet one more flight.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
GM the Third
GM, 930 posts
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #1

Up yet one more flight

Brother Yew leads the way up the stairs and into what seems to be a vestry. A broken rhondite bowl and ewer lie in a corner, apparently flung in anger and now shattered and useless. The interior of each is caked with a dry brown substance.
Pieces of furniture are also scattered about, as are the torn remains of some brown garments and three stubs of brown candles. A flight of stairs descends to the southeast.

Brother Yew
player, 634 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 15:06
  • msg #2

Re: Up yet one more flight

While the first half dozen of the group reach the top of the stairs and enter the room Brother Yew heads straight across to the door. He looks for any sign of light from beyond (eg. through keyhole or at edge or bottom of door) then tests the door to see if it is locked. If unlocked he opens it just enough to peek through the crack to check it is safe to proceed, or if locked he will attempt to unlock it.
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 144 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 04:43
  • msg #3

Re: Up yet one more flight

Amathaon got to the top of the stairs and will look around the room.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 802 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 06:45
  • msg #4

Re: Up yet one more flight

Ronalt pauses on the stairs so the group doesn't bunch up too much before the door is opened.
Sven Arnoff
player, 280 posts
Walking death
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 07:25
  • msg #5

Re: Up yet one more flight

Sven barrels up the stairs behind Yew with Wonnilon in tow. His presence makes the room a slightly more opressive place to be.
player, 589 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 10:38
  • msg #6

Re: Up yet one more flight

Gwythe moves forward from the top of the stairs, and pokes through the rubbish and broken items in the room with the end of his sword, glancing over at the door as Yew attempts to open it.
GM the Third
GM, 932 posts
Wed 1 Apr 2015
at 01:59
  • msg #7

Re: Up yet one more flight

(area 5a) Gwythe finds two of the brown robes are a bit frayed but intact. The candles are normal, each about three inches long.

(area 5) Brother Yew opens the door and finds himself looking out upon a very large area. The place is huge. It extends over 450 feet north and south, and is nearly 450 feet across at its widest. The walls rise about 30 feet, supported by arched buttresses and many pilasters. The roof peak is about 20 feet higher than the walls, making the whole edifice no less than 50 feet tall.

Dim daylight filters through the vile stained glass windows high up in the walls, casting revolting colours upon the stones of the floor.

The supporting pillars in this wing are sandstone, resting on a red slate floor. Bits of broken pottery and sharp bits of rock cover the floor here, making walking about a risky business. The stump of a granite monolith, and chunks of brownish-red rock around its base, indicate that the altar was violently assaulted and destroyed. A few links of bronze chain, a twisted manacle, and a bronzewood maul with a snapped haft add to the impression that the enemies of the Temple who did this must have found the altar very hateful indeed.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:58, Wed 01 Apr 2015.
player, 197 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Wed 1 Apr 2015
at 02:55
  • msg #8

Re: Up yet one more flight

Luthien couldn't detect evil yet, but...

"Did you do that, your highness?"
Prince Avras Thromel
NPC, 101 posts
Paladin Lord
Wed 1 Apr 2015
at 04:20
  • msg #9

Re: Up yet one more flight

"The whole place is evil. It was when we were here last, and it still is now."
"The way out is through the side doors to the south, but we may need to break the chains to make our escape."

player, 590 posts
Wed 1 Apr 2015
at 10:52
  • msg #10

Re: Up yet one more flight

Gwythe looks at the robes without much interest, and then follows the rest of the party into the room, gazing around at the room and the destruction in it. After a few seconds he walks towards the indicated exit, investigating the doors and their locks.
Sven Arnoff
player, 281 posts
Walking death
Wed 1 Apr 2015
at 12:40
  • msg #11

Re: Up yet one more flight

Sven grimaced his distaste more at the memories of the battle than the surroundings, which suited him rather well, and strode South with Gwythe.
"Nearly there Wonnilon," he commented to his diminutive friend. "We just have to smash the doors down eh."
He gave Gwythe some time to find a more civilised solution before himself looking for something appropriately sized with which to destroy the doors.
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